Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management - SORMA


The [ SORMA project] as part of the European Unions Sixth Framework Programme, Information Society Technologies, intends to establish a Self-Organizing ICT Resource MAnagement.

Firstly, SORMA plans to create a framework consisting of market mechanisms and business models that will enable the establishment of an economically sound and technically feasible Open Grid Market over which resources, i.e. computational resources as well as hard- and software, can be traded spontaneously to achieve an efficient allocation of given resources. Market forces take over the task of establishing an efficient allocation of user demands to resources, provide incentives to contribute to the Grid, and hence increase overall utility.

Secondly, SORMA intends to provide resource users with tools to access the Open Grid Market. These tools need to be intelligent to allow a reasonable, automatic trading of resources in order to achieve a self-organizing management of resources. This requires the automated and dynamic elicitation of preferences, the active determination of acceptable trading strategies and proactive interaction between the owner of the resource and the Open Grid Market.


The project consortium comprises the following partners from both academia and industry:

* Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
* [ Bayreuth Research Center for SME Management] ,University of Bayreuth, Germany
* Cardiff University, UK
* [ Correlation Systems] , Israel
* [ Forschungszentrum Informatik] , Germany
* Hebrew University, Israel
* Sun Microsystems, Singapore
* Swedish Institute of Computer Science
* [ TXT e-Solutions] , Italy
* Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
* [ Institute of Information Systems and Management (IISM)] ,University of Karlsruhe, Germany
* University of Reading, UK


* The project officially started on August 1, 2006 and has a timeframe of 3 years.
* The initial project meeting took place on September 4 and 5, 2006 in Karlsruhe, Germany.

See also

* Grid computing
* [ Project's official website]

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