

Intersession is a short break or mini-term between the traditional, standard academic terms. An intersession may be a period of a few weeks between semesters or quarters during which students can take short, accelerated classes or complete other academic work.

At Princeton University and Harvard University, the intersession is the week-long break for students following their first semester exams. Because exams are conducted after the holiday break in the month of January, Intersession provides a respite before beginning the second semester's studies.

At Johns Hopkins University, Intersession is a three-week period where students can research, do internships, take short courses on odd topics, or pursue any other activities. It occurs immediately following the Winter Break (before which exams take place), and it is not mandatory; students can elect to merely take a longer break, as it is not necessary to take Intersession classes to fulfil credit requirements for graduation.

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  • intersession — [ ɛ̃tɛrsesjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1877; de inter et session ♦ Temps qui sépare deux sessions consécutives (d une assemblée). L intersession parlementaire. ⊗ HOM. Intercession. ● intersession nom féminin Temps qui s écoule entre deux sessions d une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • intersession — /in teuhr sesh euhn/, n. a period between two academic terms. [1930 35; INTER + SESSION] * * * …   Universalium

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  • intersession — noun 1》 US a short period between university terms, especially in January, sometimes used by students to engage in projects outside the normal academic programme. 2》 Canadian a short university term in which thirteen weeks of course material is… …   English new terms dictionary

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