- Southern Cross Group
The Southern Cross Group of Forest Researchers and Practitioners (in short, the Southern Cross Group) is a group of individuals with experience and expertise in
forestry andforest ecology , who work to foster better management ofAustralia 's native forests.In their 2006 [http://eprint.uq.edu.au/archive/00004434/01/SCG.pdf "report"] , the Southern Cross Group advocated incentives to encourage private landholders:
* to retain and foster more native trees on their land,
* to allow and stimulate these trees to reach larger sizes,
* to report the presence ofendangered plants and animals on their land, and
* to provide more habitat for theseendangered species.The Southern Cross Group includes:
*Dr Jerry Vanclay - Professor of Sustainable Forestry,Southern Cross University
*Mr David Thompson, [http://www.care.net.au/ "Centre for Agricultural & Regional Economics Pty Ltd"]
*Prof. [http://www.cgiar.org/pdf/jeffrey_sayer.pdf "Jeff Sayer"] , formerly [http://www.bio.uu.nl/pbc/activities/chair/index.html "Prince Bernhard Chair of International Nature Conservation"] ,Utrecht University
*Dr [http://www.uk.earthwatch.org/australia/pubsmcneel.html "Jeff McNeely"] , Chief Scientist, World Conservation Union (IUCN )
*Dr [http://www.forestnewswatch.com/content/view/582/ "David Kaimowitz"] , Director General,Center for International Forestry Research
*Mr Alex Jay, Branch President, [http://www.afg.asn.au/ "Australian Forest Growers"]
*Ms [http://www.kyogle.nsw.gov.au/data/files/about/NewsSept.pdf#search=gibbs "Anne Gibbs"] , Community Natural Resource Management Support Officer
*Mrs [http://www.forestry.org.au/pdf/pdf-members/media/02-02-2000%20-%20New%20IFA%20President%20-%20Heather%20Crompton.pdf#search=%22heather-crompton%22 "Heather Crompton"] , past President, [http://www.forestry.org.au/ "Institute of Foresters of Australia"]
*Mr David Cameron, Committee Member, [http://www.nswfarmers.org.au/ "NSW Farmers’ Association"]
*Dr [http://www.fwprdc.org.au/content/pdfs/Annual%20Report%2098-99.pdf#search=bevege "Ian Bevege"] , Member, [http://www.forestry.org.au/ "Institute of Foresters of Australia"]External links
* [http://eprint.uq.edu.au/archive/00004434/01/SCG.pdf A Proposal for Stewardship Support to Private Native Forest in NSW"]
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