- United States Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test
United States Marine Corps requires that allMarines perform aPhysical Fitness Test , orPFT , every 6 months, or once every year for reservists. The PFT ensures that the Marines are keeping themselves physically fit and in a state of physical readiness. It consists of Pull-Ups,crunches and a 3-mile run for males, and flexed arm hang, crunches and a 3-mile run for females. TheUS Army has a PFT, theUS Navy aPhysical Readiness Test orPRT .Maximums and Minimums
The minimum a male Marine must complete are 3 pull-ups, 50 crunches, and a 28 minute 3-mile run. The minimum a female Marine must complete are 15 seconds on a flexed arm hang, 44 crunches and a 30 minute 3-mile run.
To earn a perfect PFT score for males, one must do 20 pull-ups, 100 crunches in less than two minutes, and complete the three mile run in 18 minutes or less. For females, a perfect score is 70 seconds on the flexed arm hang, 100 crunches, and a 21 minute three mile run. This will earn a 300 point PFT. Marines who score above a 285 receive certifications as an award for their higher than average fitness.
Marine Corps PFTs are scored the following way for males: five points for every pull-up, one point for every crunch, and one point is deducted from 100 for every 10 seconds slower than 18 minutes. For females, about 1.5 points is given per second and one point is deducted from a hundred for every 10 seconds slower than 21 minutes on the 3-mile run. Crunches are scored the same way as males. A male or female Marine must score a total of 135 points between the three events to pass the PFT.
Pull-up The standard Marine Corps pull-up begins at the "dead-hang" or arms locked out with the body hanging motionless. A successful pull-up is performed without excess motion, having the chin rise above the bar, and lower down to the "dead-hang" position. Without these three stipulations, a pull-up will not be counted. Furthermore, changes in grip are allowed as long as the feet don't touch the ground, or the hands/arms come in contact with the pull-up bar.
Flexed Arm Hang
The Flexed hang is started with the chin above the pull-up bar. The timer is started and does not stop until the arms pass through a 90° angle measured from the elbows. The feet may not touch the ground or any part of the pull-up bar at any time.
Crunches Crunches are executed with the feet flat on the ground, knees bent, and arms crossed across the chest or ribcage. One crunch is completed when the abdomen is lifted until the elbows or forearms touch the thighs, without leaving the abdomen, and then lowers the upper body until the shoulder blades touch the ground. The Marine is given two minutes to complete the exercise. The exercise is performed with another Marine holding the feet of the one doing the crunches.
3-Mile Run
Ideally, one is supposed to complete the entire three mile run without walking. However, this is entirely dependent upon the unit, and there are a smaller number of Marines that prefer to complete the run with a combination of sprinting and walking. This run is done on reasonably flat ground.
Starting Oct. 1, 2008, the Marine Corps will start a new test called the
Combat Fitness Test (CFT). The CFT is designed to measure abilities demanded of Marines in a war zone.Minimums and Age Adjustment - Male and Female Age Pull-Ups Flexed Arm Hang Crunches 3-Mile Run Male 3-Mile Run Female 17-26 3 15 Seconds 50 28:00 31:00 27-39 3 15 Seconds 45 29:00 32:00 40-45 3 15 Seconds 45 30:00 33:00 46+ 3 15 Seconds 40 33:00 36:00
Marine Corps Order (MCO) P6100-12Marine Corps PFT Classification Scores - Male and Female Class Age 17-26 Age 27-39 Age 40-45 Age 46+ 1st 225 200 175 150 2nd 175 150 125 100 3rd 135 110 88 65 See also
United States Air Force Fitness Test References
:Marine Corps
External links
* [http://usmc.pftcalculator.com USMC PFT Calculator]
* [http://www.fatalfitness.com/max_out_USMC_PFT Max Out the USMC PFT] - free article on Fatal Fitness
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.