Germain Boffrand

Germain Boffrand

Germain Boffrand (Nantes, 16 May 1667Paris 19 March 1754) was one of the most gifted French architects of his generation. A pupil of Jules Hardouin-Mansart, Germain Boffrand was one of the main creators of the precursor to Rococo called the " style Régence", and in his interiors, of the Rococo itself. In his exteriors he held to a monumental Late Baroque classicism with some innovations in spatial planning that were exceptional in France [Kimball 1943, p.109.] His major commissions, culminating in his interiors at the Hôtel de Soubise, were memorialised in his treatise "Le livre d'architecture", published in 1745, which served to disseminate the French "Louis XV" style throughout Europe.

The son of a provincial architect, Boffrand went to Paris in 1681 and began by studying sculpture in the atelier of François Girardon, before entering the large official practice of Jules Hardouin-Mansart. His uncle Philippe Quinault introduced him to prospective clients among the aristocracy of Paris and at Court. He was employed from 1689 (Kimball) on works in the Bâtiments du Roi under Mansart, notably at the Orangerie of Palace of Versailles and in Paris at Place Vendôme, where Boffrand was among the draughtsmen responsible for the first designs (from 1686) and for the Convent of the Capucins, Hôtel de Vendôme [Kimball 1943 p. 38.] From 1693 he was less employed and in 1699 he left the Bâtiments du Roi [He returned after the death of Mansart in 1708, paid from 21 March 1709 under the new administration of Robert de Cotte at the modest rate of 1000 "livres" a year, later increased to 1200. (Kimball 1943, pp 78, 125).] to commence work, at first in Lorraine and in the Netherlands, then after his return to Paris in 1709, for a distinguished private clientèle in Paris, well disposed towards his audacious innovations, such as the oval forecourt of the Hôtel Amelot de Gournay (1710-13), that were unthinkable in the royal works. In 1709, he was placed in charge of the interior apartments of the Hôtel de Soubise, where he soon succeeded the architect Pierre-Alexis Delamair (1676-1745). None of his early interiors survive, largely replaced by his spectacular Rococo work of the years following 1735. [Kimball 1943, p. 178.] Boffrand was received by the Académie d'architecture in 1709. The following year he was among those employed in the additions to the Palais Bourbon. In 1732, he was appointed "inspecteur général des ponts et chaussées" and produced plans for restructuring Les Halles. He was a participant in the competition for the design of Place Louis XV. Named chief architect to the hôpital général in 1724, he constructed in the Île de la Cité a superb foundling hospital, the "Hôpital des Enfants Trouvés" (1727, demolished). Boffrand worked equally for the hospitals at the Salpêtrière, at Bicêtre, and at the Hôtel-Dieu.

Boffrand built a series of "hôtels particuliers" in Paris as speculative business enterprises. Of the inventive spatial arrangements in the hôtel that swiftly became the Hôtel Amelot de Gournay, Germain Brice remarked in the 1713 edition of his guidebook that "one will note some remarkable and daring lay-outs, which however appear rationally based, providing several amenities". ["on remarquera des dispositions extraordinaires & hasardées, lequelles cependant paroisses fondées en raison pour plusieurs commoditez." (Brice, "Description nouvelle de ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable dans la ville de Paris", 1713 edition, vol. III, p. 153, noted by Kimball, p. 99, note.] . His pavilion of 1712-15 that inaugurated the new quarter of the Faubourg Saint-Honoré was purchased and became the Hôtel de Duras [A small section of the interior was engraved for Blondel's "Architecture françoise" . (Kimball 1943, p. 99 note).] .

Abroad, Boffrand worked for the Duke of Lorraine (not yet a part of France), where he was appointed "Premier Architecte" to Duke Léopold in 1711, but where little of significance remains [Kimball pp 100, 129.] He also constructed a fountain and a hunt pavilion, Bouchefort, in the gardens of the schloss belonging to the Elector of Bavaria, Maximilian II Emmanuel. In 1724 Boffrand worked on site at Würzburg with Balthasar Neumann, who had been consulting him in Paris, on the Prince-Bishop's Residenz (under construction 1719-1744). Boffrand's designs were carried out in the main suite of rooms, where Fiske Kimball detected Boffrand's artistic control in the stuccowork by Johann Peter Castelli of Bonn [Kimball 1943, p.149.]

Among the architects trained in his atelier were François Dominique Barreau de Chefdeville, Charles-Louis Clérisseau and Emmanuel Héré de Corny, the architect of the "Place Stanislas" at Nancy. Boffrand's two sons collaborated in the office, both dying young, in 1732 and 1745. [Kimball 1943, p 128, note.]

Boffrand's folio "Livre d'architecture" was published in 1745. There is no surviving cache of his drawings.

Major commissions

The following commissions of Boffrand are largely taken from Fiske Kimball, "The Creation of the Rococo", 1943.

At Paris

*Hôtel Le Brun, 49 rue du Cardinal-Lemoine, (1700), for Charles II Le Brun, the nephew and heir of the "premier peintre du roi" Charles Le Brun and a relative of Boffrand's. One of the first "hôtels particuliers" noted and commended by contemporary critics. Standing but gutted.
* Remodelling of the Hôtel de Mesme (1704). Demolished.
* Remodelling of the Hôtel de Livry. Demolished.
* Hôtel de Soubise, 60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, (1704-1707) and the suite of interiors (1735-1740), Boffrand's last major work and his masterpiece (Kimball, pp 178-181), for the prince de Rohan-Soubise. Housing the Archives nationales.
* Façade of the Convent of Fathers of Mercy, 45 rue des Archives. Built for the prince de Soubise to provide a suitable sdtreet front opposite his new hôtel. Destroyed at the Revolution.
* Hôtel d'Argenson (Hôtel de la chancellerie d'Orléans), 19 rue des Bons-Enfants, (1704, demolished 1923) Built for Mme Argenson, mistress of the future Regent, and used from 1725 as the chancelry of Philippe d'Orléans during his Regency, when it was repeatedly remodelled, by Boffrand himself about 1743 (when the comte d' Argenson was given it) [The remodelled salon is illustrated in Boffrand's "Livre d'architecture", 1745.] then by Charles de Wailly in the 1780s.
* Hôtel du Premier Président (1709). Demolished.
* Hôtel de Broglie, rue Saint-Dominique (1709). Gutted. [Boiseries from the Hôtel de Broglie installed at the Musée Carnavalet appear to date from the 1730s (Kimball 1943, p 98 note.]
* Hôtel Petit-Luxembourg, (1709-1716). Renovation for Anne de Bavière (1648-1723), princess Palatine, widow of the prince de Condé. Much of Boffrand's decoration survives, including the staircase with its coved cornices filled with scrolls and foliage and rounded corners.
* Transformation of the Hôtel de Mayenne, 21 rue Saint-Antoine (1709), for Charles-Henri de Lorraine, comte de Vaudémont. Much of the interior woodwork, some of it executed by Louis-Jacques Herpin, was removed to the Château de Champs.
* Hôtel Amelot de Gournay, 1 rue Saint-Dominique (1712). One of Boffrand's speculative hôtels, bought by Michel Amelot de Gournay, 1713.
* Hôtel Colbert de Torcy (1713; Hôtel de Beauharnais), 78 rue de Lille (1713). Now housing the German Embassy. Interiors were entirely remodelled during the Empire for prince Eugène de Beauharnais (Kimball, p. 99).
* Hôtel de Seignelay, 80 rue de Lille, (1713). The adjoining hôtel, bought by Colbert de Torcy's cousin, the marquis de Seigneley.
* Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal (1715-1725). New apartments in the "corps de logis" for Louis XIV's natural son, the duc du Maine, in his position as Grand Maître de l'Artillerie.
* Palais de Justice (1722). Restorations.
* Hôtel de Villars, 116 rue de Grenelle. Entrance doorway. Now the "mairie" of the VIIe arrondissement.

In Lorraine

* Château de Lunéville (1708-1709) for Léopold, duc de Lorraine. Damaged by fire in January 2003.
* Château de Commercy for the prince de Vaudémont
* Château de La Malgrange, Jarville-la-Malgrange near Nancy, (1711-1715) for Léopold (demolished by Stanislas). Boffrand gives sections of the two-storey oval salon in his "Livre d'architecture", 1745 (Kimball, fig. 102.
* Palais d'Haroué (1720-1732), for Marc de Beauvau, prince de Craon.
* Hôtel Ferraris, 29 rue du Haut-Bourgeois, Nancy, (1717-1720).
* Hôtel de Beauvau-Craon, 2 place Carrière, Nancy, also for Marc de Beauvau, prince de Craon

Religious architecture

* Chapelle de la Communion de l'Église Saint-Merri, 78 rue Saint-Martin, Paris, (1743)
* High altar of the cathedral of Nancy, which had been begun by Mansart in 1703 and was continued by Boffrand after Mansart's death.
* High altar of the cathedral of Nantes
* Notre-Dame de Paris, restopration of the rose window of the south transept and the crossing vaulting (1728-1729); restoration of the chapelle du Saint-Esprit (1746); cloister doorway (1748)

Civil engineering

* Bridge (the "Pont-Vieux") of Pont-sur-Yonne
* Bridge of Joigny (Yonne), 1725-1728
* Bridge of Villeneuve-sur-Yonne (Yonne), 1735



* "This article incorporates some material re-edited from French Wikipedia"
*Fiske Kimball, "The Creation of the Rococo" (Philadelphia Museum of Art) 1943.
* [ (Ministère de culture) Jean-Pierre Babelon, "Célébrations nationales 2004: Germain Boffrand"]

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