

Infobox Given name 2
gender = feminine

Lisa is a name derived from Elizabeth. It was/is most popular in the English-speaking world among females born in the 1960s and has slowly declined in popularity since.

Lisa may refer to:


* LISA (astronomy), the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
* Life Insurance Settlement Association
* LISA (conference), the Annual System Administration Conference, formerly Large Installation System Administration conference
* An acronym for Look In Side Always (used by store cashiers)
* Localization Industry Standards Association
* LISA (Local indicators of spatial association), a statistical method
* LISA ("Liaison Interne Satellite Aérogare"), one of the two lines of CDGVAL at Charles de Gaulle International Airport
* "Library and Information Science Abstracts", a library science index
* LISA for Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques
* LISA+, traffic engineering (transportation) Software

* Lisa, fictional character in "Dexter's Laboratory"
* Lisa Garland, a character in the "Silent Hill" series
* Lisa (Dead or Alive), a fictional character from the "Dead or Alive" video game series.
* Lisa Simpson, a cartoon character in the television series "The Simpsons"
* Lisa, fictional character in "Weird Science"
* Lisa, mythical girlfriend of the Internet Oracle

* Mona Lisa, the oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci

* A creator deity in Dahomeyan religion: See Mahu

;Information technology:
* Lisa assembler, a 6502 assembler for Apple II
* Apple Lisa computer, the precursor to the Apple Macintosh
* LISA, LAN Information Server

* LISA (musician), Elizabeth Sakura Narita, a former member of the Japanese hip-hop group m-flo
* Lisa D'Amato, a model and contestant in America's Next Top Model cycle five
* Lisa Arce, beach volleyball player
* Lisa, Esteban Esteban Lisa, painter from Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Lisa Foiles, actress
* Lisa Gleave, actress and model
* Lisa Grimaldi, a fictional character on the soap opera "As the World Turns" played by Eileen Fulton since 1960
* Lisa Kudrow, actress
* Lisa Loeb, female pop singer/songwriter
* Lisa Lopes, deceased member of the female American R&B trio TLC
* Lisa Marie Bowman, American Writer
* Lisa Marie Presley, American singer and daughter of Elvis Presley
* Lisa McPherson, Scientologist
* Lisa Marx, guitarist and former member of Kitie
* Lisa McCune, Australian actress
* Lisa Mitchell, Australian musician
* Lisa Nowak, American astronaut; arrested under charges of attempted kidnap and attempted murder
* Lisa Powell, Australian field hockey forward
* Lisa Rinna, actress
* Lisa Scott-Lee, a UK singer formerly of the pop group, Steps
* Lisa Sparxxx, an American adult actress
* Lisa Tucker (singer), American singer
* Lisa Velez, singer, better known as Lisa Lisa
* Lisa Zaran, American poet
* Laura and Leesa Andrew, twin American models

* Lisa, Teleorman, Teleorman County, Romania
* Lisa, Braşov, Braşov County, Romania
* Lisa River, Braşov County, Romania

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