Shi'ite Crescent

Shi'ite Crescent

The Shi'ite or Shi'a Crescent is a recent geo-political term used to describe a region of the Middle East where the majority population is Shi'a, or where there is a strong Shi'a minority in the population. It has been used to describe the potential for cooperation among these areas in Middle Eastern politics. The corresponding term is especially common in German, where it is known as "Schiitischer Halbmond" ("shia halfmoon"). This term was used by Abdullah II, king of Jordan, after which it became popular in political debates.

The nations where Shi'a Muslims form a dominant majority are Azerbaijan, Iran, Bahrain, Yemen and Iraq, a plurality in Lebanon and large minorities in Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait,Saudi Arabia,India,UAE and Syria. The shape of these countries put together does in fact resemble a crescent moon or a half moon (see map).

ee also

* Mashriq
* Shia Population

External links

* Michael Bröning: [ "The Myth of the Shia Crescent"] , in: Project Syndicate May 2008 (Text is also available in French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Czech).
* The Gulf 2000 project SIPA Columbia University: []
* Le Monde diplomatique: [,a0049.idx,13 Die Schiiten und ihr Kampf um Gott] de icon
* Deutsche Welle: [,2144,2105961,00.html Die Hisbollah in der arabischen Misstrauensfalle] de icon
* Deutsche Welle: [ Nahost-Experte: Iran will schiitische Achse aufbauen] de icon
* Brockhaus: Ulrich Ladurner: [ Machtpoker am Persischen Golf] de icon
* Der Tagesspiegel: [ Der schiitische Halbmond] de icon
* Die Zeit: [ Regime unter Druck - Nach der Irak-Wahl fürchten die arabischen Nachbarnstaaten das gewachsene Selbstbewusstsein der Schiiten] de icon

Further reading

* Ferhad Ibrahim: " [ Iran und die arabische Welt] ", in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Nr. 9, Bonn 2004, S. icon
* Vali Nasr: [ " When the Shiites Rise"] in: Foreign Affairs July/August 2006, pp. 58- 74.
* Asher Susser: "Aufgang des schiitischen Halbmonds", in: Internationale Politik, Nr. 9, 61. Jahr, (2006), pp.68-.74 de icon

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