Valery Kan

Valery Kan

Valery Vladimirovich Kan ( _ru. Валерий Владимирович Кан; Korean: 발레리 강; born 1978 in Tashkent,ko icon cite news|title=《광복 60주년 특별기획》북방에 핀 고려인의 꽃|last=Wang|first=G.H.|url=|date=2005-11-19|accessdate=2006-12-03|publisher=Yonhap News] Uzbek SSR, Soviet Union (present Uzbekistan)) is Deputy of the urban Duma in the city of Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai, and head of the Voyage Taxi Company (Вояж-такси). He is of Koryo-saram descent, and has been active in promoting economic cooperation between Ussuriysk and South icon cite news|last=Alanovich|first=Vseslav|title=Как уссурийцы помогали корейских "тараканов" гробить|url=|date=Vol 16, 2005|accessdate=2006-11-20|] Aged 25 when first elected, he is the youngest member of the Ussuriysk Duma.

Soulfly controversy

Brazilian band Soulfly accused Kan of drunkenly harassing singer Max Cavalera's stepdaughter Roxanne while on a flight from Moscow to Vladivostok on April 29, 2005. Kan reportedly approached Roxanne and her mother while they were boarding the plane; a dispute arose, and Soulfly personnel contacted the police. However, when the police arrived, they were unable to intervene in the dispute due to Kan's status as an elected official, which granted him immunity from arrest.

Kan asserted to journalists that he just wanted to have a friendly conversation, while Soulfly later cited this incident as the reason behind their decision to cancel their concert in Vladivostok that same evening.cite news|title=Politician Scares Brazilian Metal Band out of Russia|url=|date=2005-05-13|accessdate=2006-11-20|]


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