Fashion Police (TV series) — Fashion Police was the title of a television program hosted by Joan and Melissa Rivers on the E! cable television channel in the United States in which they criticized celebrities clothing … Wikipedia
fashion police — noun An imaginary police force that ensures that people dress according to fashion … Wiktionary
police — [pə lēs′] n. [Fr < LL politia, administration of the commonwealth (in L, the state) < Gr politeia, the state, citizenship < politēs, citizen < polis, city < IE * pel , fortress (> Sans pūr, town), orig., filled wall, special use … English World dictionary
fashion — noun 1 style of dressing, etc. popular at a particular time ADJECTIVE ▪ contemporary, current, latest, modern, new ▪ changing, passing ▪ changing f … Collocations dictionary
police — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ armed, mounted ▪ plain clothes, uniformed ▪ undercover ▪ riot, traffic … Collocations dictionary
police — I. transitive verb (policed; policing) Etymology: in sense 1, from Middle French policier, from police conduct of public affairs; in other senses, from 2police Date: 1589 1. archaic govern 2. to control, regulate, or keep in order by use of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Fashion District (Los Angeles) — Fashion District Neighborhood of Los Angeles … Wikipedia
POLICE OFFENSES — POLICE OFFENSES, offenses arising in connection with the prevention of public mischief and for the maintenance of public security, as laid down in the Bible, that have formed the basis for elaborate regulations in later periods of Jewish law.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Police procedural — The police procedural is a piece of detective fiction which attempts to convincingly depict the activities of a police force as they investigate crimes. While traditional detective novels usually concentrate on a single crime, police procedurals… … Wikipedia
police — /peuh lees /, n., v., policed, policing. n. 1. Also called police force. an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws. 2. (used with a pl. v.) members of such a force: Several police are… … Universalium