RIA can stand for:
* RIA (Russian Information Agency) Novosti
* Royal Irish Academy
* Rich Internet application
* Research into Ageing
* Radioimmunoassay
* RIA, the National Rail code for Rhoose Cardiff International Airport railway station, Wales
* Regulatory Impact Assessment / Regulatory Impact Analysis
* Rare Isotope Accelerator
* Registered Investment Advisor
* RateItAll, a review website

ee also

* Ria, a landform, often referred to as a drowned river valley

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  • Ria — redirects here. For the New Zealand singer also called Ria , see Ria (singer). Georges River, in the southern suburbs of Sydney (Australia) is a ria, or drowned river valley. The deeply indented shape of the ria reflects the dendritic pattern of… …   Wikipedia

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  • ria — [ rija ] n. f. • 1896; en all. 1886; mot esp. « baie étroite » ♦ Géogr. Vallée fluviale étroite et allongée noyée par la mer. ⇒aussi aber. Côtes à rias et côtes à fjords. ● ria nom féminin (espagnol ria) Partie inférieure d une vallée, ou d un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • RIA — steht für: Regierungsinspektoranwärter, eine Dienstbezeichnung eines Beamten auf Widerruf im gehobenen nichttechnischen Verwaltungsdienst Radioimmunassay, Labormethode zur quantitativen Bestimmung kleinster Substanzmengen Rich Internet… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Ria — 〈f. 10〉 = Riasküste * * * RIA: Abk. für ↑ Radioimmun[o]assay. * * * RIA,   Abkürzung für Radioimmunassay …   Universal-Lexikon

  • RIA — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término RIA puede referirse a: Rich Internet Application Radioinmunoensayo, método para determinar concentraciones en bioquímica. Royal Irish Academy RIA Novosti, agencia de noticias rusa. Obtenido de RIA… …   Wikipedia Español

  • ria — RIÁ s.n. (geol.) Ţărm marin format prin pătrunderea apei mării pe văile largi ale râurilor dintr o regiune muntoasă, cu culmi perpendiculare pe linia ţărmului. [pron. ri a, pl. rias. / cf. sp., fr., it. ria]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 23.08.2005.… …   Dicționar Român

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