Anatol Lieven

Anatol Lieven

Anatol Lieven is a British author, journalist, and policy analyst. He is presently a Senior Researcher (Bernard L. Schwartz fellow and American Strategy Program fellow) at the New America Foundation, where he focuses on US global strategy and the War on Terrorism, Associated Scholar of the Transnational Crisis Project, Chair of International Relations and Terrorism Studies at King's College London.

Between 2000 and 2005, he was a Senior Associate for Foreign and Security policy at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Previously a journalist with the Financial Times covering Central Europe, with The Times of London covering Pakistan, Afghanistan, the former Soviet Union, and Russia (including the First Chechen War), and wrote freelance from India as a freelance journalist. He has also served as an editor at the International Institute for Strategic studies in London, where he worked for the Eastern Services of the BBC. He received a B.A. in history and a Ph.D. in political science from Jesus College, Cambridge.


Books by Anatol Lieven

* Ethical Realism (2006) with John Hulsman
* America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism (2004)
* Ukraine and Russia: Fraternal Rivals (1999)
* Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian Power (1998)
* The Baltic Revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Path to Independence (1993) -- winner of the George Orwell Prize for Political Writing and the Yale University Press GovernorsAward.

Articles by Anatol Lieven

* [ Book TV] (C-SPAN) interview of Ralph Peters
* [ complete articles] (New America Foundation)
* [ Financial Times]
* [ International Herald Tribune]
* [ London Review of Books]
* [ Le Monde Diplomatique]
* [ The Guardian]
* [ Atlantic Monthly]
* [ The Nation]
* [ The New Statesman]
* [ Foreign Affairs]
* [ American Prospect]
* []

External links

Official Bios

* [ U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum]
* [ Random House]
* [ Oxford University Press]
* [ Harvard University]
* [ AP Watt]
* [ World Political Forum]
* [ New America Foundation]
* [ American Strategy Program] (New America Foundation)
* [ Bernard L. Schwartz Fellows Program] (New America Foundation)
* [ Carnegie Endwoment for International Peace]

Interviews with Anatol Lieven

* [ National Public Radio] interviews
* [ BBC online] interviews
* [ Chicago Public Radio] interviews
* 2006.03.06 [ Foreign Exchange] with Fareed Zakaria (PBS, TV episode 209)
* 2005.09.25 [ Instituto Portugês de Relações Internacionais]
* 2005.01.04 [ On Point] (WBUR radio)
* 2004.12.01 [ Asia Source]
* 2004.05.06 [ Conversations with History] (Institute of International Studies, University of California at Berkeley)
* 2003.09.08 [ CNN]
* 2003.07.18 [ BBC]
* 2002.05.31 [ USA Today]
* 2000.03.23 [ CNN]
* undated [ City Paper of Baltic States]

pecific Articles by Anatol Lieven

* 2008.10.01 " [ Heeding the lessons of another war] with Maleeha Lodhi in "International Herald Tribune"
* 2007.03.26 " [ To Russia with Realism] in "The American Conservative"
* 2007.03.17 " [ Eliot Cohen and Democratic Responsibility] in "The National Interest"
* 2007.03.08 " [ Pakistan is the Priority] " in "The International Herald Tribune"
* 2006.12.28 " [ The End of the West As We Know It] " in "The International Herald Tribune"
* 2006.07.23 " [,0,1433816.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail Bush's Middle East Democracy Flop] in "The Los Angeles Times"
* 2006.04.12 " [ How to Get Out of the Iran Trap] " in "The Washington Post"
* 2006.03.19 " [,1,4854687.story?coll=la-headlines-suncomment Why Are We Reheating the Cold War?] " in "The Los Angeles Times"
* 2006.03.xx " [ A Long Voyage: As in India, the maintenance of social peace requires strict controls on free expression] " in "Prospect" (UK)
* 2006.02.13 " [ Limits of Propaganda] " in "The Los Angeles Times"
* 2003.07.19 " [ The Empire Strikes Back] in "The Nation"
* 2002.10.03 " [ The Push for War] in "The London Review of Books"

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