

A Spark is a small airborne ember or particle of red-hot matter.

Spark may also refer to:

In science:
* an electric spark, usually with a flash and a sharp noise, may be
** a momentary electrostatic discharge
** an electrical discharge caused when electric current through an inductive device such as an electric motor is suddenly interrupted, e.g. by a switch
** a momentary corona discharge
* Spark (mathematics), the smallest number of linearly independent columns in a matrix
* "Sinthusa", a genus of butterfly

In computer sciences:
* SPARC, a RISC-CPU designed by Sun Microsystems
* SPARK (programming language)
* Spark (cellular automaton), a type of pattern in Conway's Game of Life and related rules

In computer games:
* Spark Unlimited, a game developer

In computer software:
* Spark (software), an instant messaging client by "ignite realtime"

In music:
* Spark Records, a record label
* "Spark" (Thomas Leeb album), an album of fingerstyle guitarist Thomas Leeb
* "Spark", a single from Tori Amos's album, "From the Choirgirl Hotel"

In corporate usage:
* Spark Infrastructure, an investor in Australian infrastructure assets
*Spark, an open source, cross-platform instant messaging client optimized for businesses and organizations

In websites:
* The Spark (website), a defunct humor web site

In fiction:
* Spark (comics) or "Lightning Lass", a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes
* Spark (Transformers), the soul of a Transformer

In slang:
* A British and Australian synonym for electrician

Spark is the name of:
* Muriel Spark (1918-2006), Scottish novelist
* Spark (horse), an American thoroughbred racehorse

ee also

* Sparks

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  • Spark — Spark, n. [OE. sparke, AS. spearca; akin to D. spark, sperk; cf. Icel. spraka to crackle, Lith. sprag[ e]ti, Gr. ? a bursting with a noise, Skr. sph?rj to crackle, to thunder. Cf. {Speak}.] 1. A small particle of fire or ignited substance which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • SPARK — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Spark (desambiguación). SPARK es un lenguaje de programación especialmente diseñado para sistemas de alta integridad. Es un subconjunto anotado de Ada desarrollado por la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • SPARK (M.) — SPARK MURIEL (1918 ) Née à Édimbourg, à la fin de 1918, d’une mère quelque peu douée de voyance et d’un père ingénieur juif, Muriel Spark eut toujours le souci, sous le couvert transparent de la fiction, d’assumer ses origines l’enfance… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Spark — ist der Name einer Pflanzengattung, siehe Spark (Gattung) ein deutscher bzw. englischer Familienname, siehe Spark (Familienname) der Name eines Open Source Instant Messengers, siehe Spark (Instant Messenger) ein traditioneller skandinavischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Spark — avec une liste de contacts et une fenêtre de chat …   Wikipédia en Français

  • spark — ► NOUN 1) a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or caused by friction. 2) a light produced by a sudden disrupted electrical discharge through the air. 3) a discharge such as this serving to ignite the explosive mixture… …   English terms dictionary

  • Spark — Окно клиента Spark Тип Программа мгновенного обмена сообщениями Разработчик Jive Software …   Википедия

  • spark — spark1 [spärk] n. [ME sperke < OE spearca, akin to MDu sparke < IE base * sp(h)er(e) g , to strew, sprinkle > SPRINKLE, L spargere] 1. a glowing bit of matter, esp. one thrown off by a fire 2. any flash or sparkle of light like this 3. a …   English World dictionary

  • Spark — 〈m.; (e)s; unz.〉 ein als Futterpflanze angebautes Nelkengewächs: Spergula arvensis * * * I Spark   [niederdeutsch], Spẹrgula, Gattung der Nelkengewächse mit fünf Arten in den gemäßigten Gebieten vornehmlich der Alten Welt; Kräuter mit linealisch …   Universal-Lexikon

  • spark´i|ly — spark|y «SPAHR kee», adjective, spark|i|er, spark|i|est. 1. emitting sparks. 2. Figurative. lively; vivacious: » …   Useful english dictionary

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