Anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery
- Anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery
Infobox Artery
Latin = rami intercostales; anterior intercostal arteries
GraySubject = 148
GrayPage = 584

Caption = Intercostal spaces, viewed from the left
Caption2 =
BranchFrom = internal thoracic artery
BranchTo =
Vein = anterior intercostal veins
Supplies =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = r_02
DorlandsSuf = 12690359
The Anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery supply the upper five or six intercostal spaces. The internal thoracic artery then divides into the superior epigastric artery and musculophrenic artery. The latter gives out the remaining anterior intercostal branches.
Two in number in each space, these small vessels pass lateralward, one lying near the lower margin of the rib above, and the other near the upper margin of the rib below, and anastomose with the intercostal arteries from the aorta.
They are at first situated between the pleura and the Intercostales interni, and then between the Intercostales interni and externi.
They supply the intercostal muscles and, by branches which perforate the Intercostales externi, the Pectoral muscles and the mamma.
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