Posterior intercostal arteries — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteriae intercostales posteriores GraySubject = 153 GrayPage = 600 Caption = The thoracic aorta, viewed from the left side. (Intercostals visible at right.) Caption2 = BranchFrom = 1 2: supreme intercostal… … Wikipedia
intercostal arteries anterior — rami intercostales anteriores arteriae thoracicae internae … Medical dictionary
intercostal arteries posterior — arteriae intercostales posteriores … Medical dictionary
Intercostal vessels — can refer to: * arteries ** Posterior intercostal arteries ** Highest intercostal artery ** Anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery * veins ** Supreme intercostal vein ** Superior intercostal vein ** Posterior intercostal veins … Wikipedia
Intercostal — means between the ribs . It can refer to: * Intercostal muscle * Highest intercostal vein * Intercostal arteries … Wikipedia
Intercostal muscle — Infobox Muscle Name = Intercostal muscle Latin = GraySubject = 117 GrayPage = 403 Caption = Deep muscles of the chest and front of the arm, with the boundaries of the axilla. Caption2 = Origin = ribs 1 11 Insertion = ribs 2 12 | heh Blood =… … Wikipedia
Intercostal space — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = spatium intercostale GraySubject = 28 GrayPage = 123 Caption = Intercostal spaces, viewed from the left. Caption2 = Sternocostal and interchondral articulations. Anterior view. System = MeshName =… … Wikipedia
Intercostal veins — Infobox Vein Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Intercostal spaces, viewed from the left. Caption2 = DrainsFrom = intercostal muscle, intercostal space Source = DrainsTo = Artery = intercostal arteries MeshName =… … Wikipedia
intercostal artery — n any of the arteries supplying or lying in the intercostal spaces: a) any of the arteries branching in front directly from the internal thoracic artery to supply the first five or six intercostal spaces or from its branch comprising the… … Medical dictionary
intercostal artery — noun several arteries and supplying the intercostal spaces of the rib cage • Syn: ↑arteria intercostalis • Hypernyms: ↑artery, ↑arteria, ↑arterial blood vessel * * * noun : any of the arteries supplying or lying in the intercostal spaces and… … Useful english dictionary