Andrew Strominger

Andrew Strominger

Andrew Strominger (born 1955) is an American theoretical physicist who works on string theory and son of Jack L. Strominger. He is currently a professor at Harvard University and a senior fellow at the Society of Fellows. He got his undergraduate degree from Harvard University in 1977, and his Ph.D from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982 under the supervision of Roman Jackiw. His contributions to physics include:
* a paper with Cumrun Vafa that explains the microscopic origin of the black hole entropy, originally calculated thermodynamically by Stephen Hawking and Jacob Bekenstein, from string theory
* a paper with Philip Candelas, Gary Horowitz, and Edward Witten in the 1980s about the relevance of Calabi-Yau manifolds for obtaining the Standard Model from string theory
* other articles discussing the dS/CFT correspondence (a variation of AdS/CFT correspondence); S-branes (a variation of D-branes)
* OM-theory (with Shiraz Minwalla and Nathan Seiberg)
* noncommutative solitons (with Shiraz Minwalla and Rajesh Gopakumar)
* massless black holes in the form of wrapped D3-branes that regulate the physics of a conifold and allow topology change
* interpretation of mirror symmetry as a special case of T-duality (with Eric Zaslow and Shing-Tung Yau)
* purely cubic action for string field theory
* superstrings with torsion

External links

* [ Andrew Strominger's home page under construction]
* [ Home page of Strominger at Harvard]
* [ SPIRES database of Strominger's articles]

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