- Rhyolite
"This page is about a volcanic rock. For the ghost town see
Rhyolite, Nevada , and for the satellite system, seeRhyolite/Aquacade ."Rhyolite is an igneous, volcanic (
extrusive ) rock, offelsic (silicon -rich) composition (typically >69% SiO2 — see theTAS classification ). It may have any texture fromaphanitic toporphyritic . Themineral assemblage is usuallyquartz ,alkali feldspar andplagioclase (in a ratio > 1:2 — see theQAPF diagram ).Biotite andhornblende are common accessory minerals.Rhyolite can be considered as the
extrusive equivalent to theplutonic granite rock, and consequently, outcroppings of it often bear a resemblance to granite. Due to their high content of silica and low iron and magnesium contents, rhyolite melts are highly polymerized and form highly viscouslava s. They can also occur asbreccia s or involcanic plug s and dykes. Rhyolites that cool too quickly to grow crystals form a natural glass or vitrophyre, also calledobsidian . Slower cooling forms microscopic crystals in the lava and results in textures such as flow foliations, spherulitic, nodular, and lithophysal structures. Some rhyolite is highly vesicularpumice . Many eruptions of rhyolite are highly explosive and the deposits may consist of fallouttephra or ofignimbrite s.ee also
List of rock types References
* [http://volcano.und.edu/vwdocs/vwlessons/lessons/Slideshow/Igrocks/Igrock9.html University of North Dakota description of rhyolite]
* [http://www.rocks-rock.com/rhyolite.html Information from rocks-rock.com]
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