Jovan Ajduković

Jovan Ajduković

Jovan Ajduković (Јован Ајдуковић) (b. January 10, 1968, Novi Sad, Serbia) is a Serbian linguist.

Jovan Ajduković graduated from the University of Belgrade, Serbia in 1991. His main research intereset is contact linguistics and sociolinguistics, in particular, study of Russianisms in Slavic languages, which was the topic of his Master and Ph.D. theses.

He is an editor of the international online journal "Balkan Rusistics" [ [ Balkan Rusistics] ru icon] (University of Sofia, Bulgaria) and a member of the Advisory Board of "The International Journal of Russian Studies" [ [ The International Journal of Russian Studies] tr icon] (Ankara University, Turkey).

Jovan Ajduković is best known for his contribution to the so-called "Theory of Contacteme" (Ajdukovic 2004, Айдукович 2004, 2007) and for his "Adaptation Dictionary of Russianisms in South and West Slavic Languages", which for­mally de­scri­bes the adap­ta­tion of lexical Russianisms on each le­vel of lan­gu­a­ge - pho­ne­tic-pho­no­lo­gi­cal, derivatio­nal, morp­fo­lo­gi­cal, se­man­tic, styli­stic and syntac­tic (Ajdukovic 2004, 771).

Professor Ajduković is currently involved in the scientific project called "Codes of Russian Cultures" at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (Serbia). Special part of the project is dedicated to Russian language in contact with other Slavonic and European languages. Research is will be concerned with following problem: the means of implementing and restraining of Russian language influence on other Slavonic and European languages.


* Јован Ајдуковић, Русизми у српскохрватским речницима. Принципи адаптације. Речник // "Russisms in Serbo-Croatian Dictionaries. Principles of Adaptation. Dictionary". Београд: Фото Футура, 1997, 331 стр. [ (Online Abstract)] (English)
* Јован Ајдуковић, Увод у лексичку контактологију. Теорија адаптације русизама // "An Introduction to Lexical Contact: The Theory of the Adaptation of Russisms In South and West Slavic Languages". Београд: Фото Футура, 2004, 364 стр. ISBN 86-83691-06-3 [ (Contents)] (Serbian)
* Јован Ајдуковић, Контактолошки речник адаптације русизама у осам словенских језика // "The Adaptation Dictionary of Russisms in South and West Slavic Languages". Београд: Фото Футура, 2004, 771 стр. ISBN 86-83691-11-X [ (Introduction)] (Russian)
* Йован Айдукович, "Основные понятия лексической контактологии" // "On Basic Concepts in Lexical Contact", In: Тезисы и доклады, II Международный конгресс исследователей русского языка: Русский язык: исторические судьбы и современность. Москва: 2004: 445. [ (Тезисы)]
* Йован Айдукович, "Структура и основное содержание монографии 'Введение во фразеологическую контактологию. Теория адаптации фразеологических русизмов'", // "The Basic Content of the Monograph "An Introduction to Phraseological Contact: The Theory of the Adaptation of Phraseological Russisms", Studia Russica, Budapest, 2007. [ (Online)]

[ Ajduković's Homepage]


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