- Zelkova carpinifolia
name = "Zelkova carpinifolia"
status = LR/nt | status_system = IUCN2.3
status_ref = [IUCN2006
assessors= Güner, A. & Zielinski, J.
title=Zelkova carpinifolia
downloaded=25 May 2007]
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Autumn foliage
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo =Rosales
familia =Ulmaceae
genus = "Zelkova "
species = "Z. carpinifolia"
binomial = "Zelkova carpinifolia"
binomial_authority = (Pall.) Dippel
synonyms =
*"Zelkova acuminata" Planch.
*"Zelkova crenata" Spach
*"Zelkova ulmoides" C.K.Schneid."Zelkova carpinifolia" (Zelkova or Caucasian Zelkova) is a species of "
Zelkova ", native to theCaucasus , Kaçkar, andAlborz mountains in the extreme southeast ofEurope and southwestAsia .It is a medium-sized to large
deciduous tree growing to 20-35 m tall, with a trunk of up to 2 m in diameter. The crown is a highly distinctive vase-shape, with a short broad trunk dividing low down into numerous nearly erect branches. The leaves are alternate, 4-10 cm long and 2.5-6 cm broad, the margin bluntly serrated with 7-12 teeth on each side. Theflower s are inconspicuous and greenish, with no petals, and are wind-pollinated. Thefruit is a small nutlet 5-6 mm in diameter.It is grown as an
ornamental tree in Europe (huge exemplars of it can be found quite often in western part of Georgia calledImereti , used for decorating courtyards in villages and making a pleasant shadow) and more rarely in North America (where the related Japanese "Z. serrata" is more popular).;Hybrid cultivars
*"Zelkova × verschaffeltii"References
*Andrews, S. (1994). Tree of the year: Zelkova. "Int. Dendrol. Soc. Yearbook" 1993: 11-30.
*Hunt, D. (1994). Beware of the Zelkova. "Int. Dendrol. Soc. Yearbook" 1993: 33-41.
*Rushforth, K. (1999). "Trees of Britain and Europe". HarperCollins ISBN 0-00-220013-9.
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