- Zelkova serrata
name = "Zelkova serrata"
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Noma Keyaki", a 1,000-year old Keaki in Nose nearOsaka inJapan , 25 m tall, 11.95 m trunk circumference; second-largest known specimenOsaka Toyono County: [http://www.guitar-mg.co.jp/title_buck/27/noma_keyaki/noma_ohkeyaki_2.htm Noma Keyaki] (in Japanese; [http://translate.google.com/translate?sourceid=navclient&hl=en&u=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2eguitar%2dmg%2eco%2ejp%2ftitle%5fbuck%2f27%2fnoma%5fkeyaki%2fnoma%5fohkeyaki%5f2%2ehtm google translation] )]
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo =Rosales
familia =Ulmaceae
genus = "Zelkova "
species = "Z. serrata"
binomial = "Zelkova serrata"
binomial_authority = (Thunb.) Makino"Zelkova serrata" (Keyaki or Japanese Zelkova; Korean: 느티나무 "neutinamu"; Japanese: ケヤキ "keyaki"; Chinese: 榉树 "ju shu") is a species of "
Zelkova " native toJapan ,Korea , easternChina , andTaiwan .Flora of China: [http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=242355642 "Zelkova serrata"] ] Andrews, S. (1994). Tree of the year: Zelkova. "Int. Dendrol. Soc. Yearbook" 1993: 11-30.]It is a medium-sized to large
deciduous tree growing to 20-35 m tall, with a trunk up to 2 m (exceptionally 4 m) diameter with smooth grey bark, becoming flaky and browner on old trees. The branches are numerous, usually strongly ascending from a short trunk to give a high domed crown. The leaves are alternate, 3-11 cm long and 1.3-7 cm broad with a 2–7 mm petiole; hairless or finely hairy both above and below; the margin is sharply serrated with 8–16 teeth on each side. The autumn colour is orange to red. Theflower s are 1.5 mm diameter, inconspicuous and yellowish-green with no petals, and are wind-pollinated. Thefruit is a small nut-like drydrupe 2.5-3.5 mm diameter with a ridged surface.There are two varieties, "Zelkova serrata" var. "serrata" in Japan and mainland eastern Asia, and "Zelkova serrata" var. "tarokoensis" (Hayata) Li on Taiwan; the latter differs from the type in its smaller leaves with less deeply cut serration on the margins.
The Japanese name, 木 means tree 挙げる means lift up hand, so a big tree that grows like a raised hand is the meaning of 欅.
Cultivation and uses
It is often grown as an
ornamental tree , both in its native area and in Europe and North America. The first cultivation outside of Asia was byPhilipp Franz von Siebold , who introduced it to theNetherlands in 1830.Numerous
cultivar s have been selected, including 'Fuiri Keaki' (variegated leaves), 'Goblin' (dwarf), 'Goshiki' (variegated leaves), 'Green Vase' (tall, narrow crown [ [http://www.cirrusimage.com/tree_green_vase_zelkova.htm "Zelkova serrata" 'Green Vase'] photos] ), 'Green Veil' (pendulous branchlets), 'Iruma Sango' (fastigiate), 'Nire Keaki' (semi-dwarf), 'Pulverulenta' (variegated leaves), 'Spring Grove' (upright crown), 'Variegata' (variegated leaves), 'Village Green' (fast-growing, straight trunk, vase-shaped crown [ [http://www.cirrusimage.com/tree_village_green_zelkova.htm "Zelkova serrata" 'Village Green'] photos] ), and 'Urban Ruby' (red autumn colour). It has also hybridised with "Zelkova carpinifolia " in Europe, the hybrid being named "Zelkova × verschaffeltii ".Keaki
wood is valued in Japan and used often for furniture, such astansu .The tree is a symbol of
Saitama Prefecture .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.