

Single infobox |
Name = Niño

Artist = Belanova
from Album = Dulce Beat
Released = flagicon|Mexico March, 2006
flagicon|World October, 2006 Re-Release
Format = Airplay, Digital Download
Recorded = 2005
Length = 3:31
Genre = Pop/Electro
Label = Universal México
Producer = Guerrero, Denisse
Huerta, Edgar A.
López, Cachorro
Arreola, Ricardo
Last single = "Rosa Pastel" (2006)
This single = "Niño" (2006)
Next single = "Eres Tú" (2006)
:"This article is about the single. There is also a drum of that name, the smallest "conga" drum, used in the music of Cuba. For the weather pattern, see El Niño."Niño" is a single from the album Dulce Beat by Mexican Electro/Pop band Belanova.

"Niño" was first released to radio on March 2006 in Mexico along with "Soñar" to test the radio and pick an official third single, which ended up being "Rosa Pastel".

"Niño" entered at number ninety-nine on the Mexican Airplay and reached number forty-six, spending 7 weeks inside the Top 100 it also reached number thirty-three on Digital Sales Chart, by May 2006.After the success of the song "Rosa Pastel", and by then the upcoming release of the album "Dulce Beat Live", Universal re-released the song to radio and now, TV, the song re-appeared on the Top 100, now with more success peaking at number-four and it charted until August 2007, [ [ Mexican Top 100] ] Digital sales for the song also increased, reaching number-five on its original 'album version' and number twenty-three on its 'live version' taken from the live album. [cite web|url=| – Méxican Top 100 Digital Sales Chart|accessdate=February 5|accessyear=2007] The song also reached number twenty-five on the World Latin Top 30 Singles. [ [ Latin Singles Chart] ] The song was also used to be the official song for Pizza Hut's "Cheesy Pops" campaign in Mexico.

Music Video

The video was a live performance taken from their DVD, "Dulce Beat Live", directed by Jose Marquez "El Nunca" and filmed in Guadalajara, the video was premiered on November 6 on Ritmoson Latino.



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