- List of carsharing operators
This is the list of
carsharing operators that includes companies and organizations.Asia
* [http://www.hondadiracc.com.sg Honda DIRACC] - ended operation April 2008
* [http://www.carcoop.com.sg NTUC Income Car Co-Op]
* Whizzcar [http://www.whizzcar.com/]
*Cityspeed - closed in 2007Middle East
* [http://www.car2go.co.il Car2Go]
* [http://www.smartdrivers.com.au smartdrivers] -
Melbourne ,Sydney ,Brisbane ,Gold Coast
* [http://nexuscarshare.com.au Nexus Car Share] - Perth
* [http://www.charterdrive.com.au Charter Drive] -Sydney ,Melbourne
* [http://www.flexicar.com.au Flexicar] -Melbourne ,Sydney . "(Known as Flo Carshare until Oct 2006.)"
*GoGet -Sydney ,Melbourne ,Brisbane New Zealand
* [http://www.denzeldrive.at/ DenzelDrive]
* [http://www.cambio-carsharing.de/cambio/carsharing/en/2/index.html cambio (in english)]
* [http://www.carsharing.hr/ Auto Divisio Croatia - Prvic Sepurine]
* Hertz Delebilen [http://www.delebilen.dk/]
* Copenhagen Delebiler [http://www.kobenhavnsdelebiler.dk/]
* Association of independent carsharing (delebiler) [http://www.danskedelebiler.dk/]Finland
* [http://www.citycarclub.net/ City Car Club]
*Alpes AutoPartage ♦ [ [http://www.alpes-autopartage.fr/ alpes-autopartage.fr] ] -
*Auto'trement ♦ [ [http://www.autotrement.com/ autotrement.com] ] -Strasbourg /CUS,Mulhouse ,Colmar ,Sélestat ,Saverne
*AutoComm ♦ [ [http://autocomm.org/ autocomm.org] ] -Bordeaux
*Autolib' ♦ [ [http://www.autolib.fr/ autolib.fr] ] -Lyon ,Villeurbanne
*AutoPartage Provence ♦ [ [http://www.autopartage-provence.com/ autopartage-provence.com] ] -Marseille
*Caisse-Commune [ [http://www.caisse-commune.com/ caisse-commune.com] ] -Paris
*Carbox [ [http://www.carboxservices.com carboxservices.com] ] -Paris
*Car liberté [ [http://www.carliberte.com carliberte.com] ] -Chambéry
*City Roul' ♦ [ [http://www.cityroul.com/ cityroul.com/] ] -Rennes
*Lilas ♦ [ [http://www.lilas-autopartage.fr/ lilas-autopartage.fr] ] -Lille
*Liselec [ electric cars - [http://www.agglo-larochelle.fr/services/depl_electrique.php agglo-larochelle.fr] ] -La Rochelle
*Marguerite [ [http://www.imarguerite.com imarguerite.com] ] -Nantes
*Mobilib' [ [http://www.mobilib.fr/ mobilib.fr] ] -Toulouse
*Mobizen [ [http://mobizen.fr/ mobizen.fr] ] -Paris
*Modulauto ♦ [ [http://www.modulauto.net/ modulauto.net] ] -Montpellier ,Nîmes
*Narbonne ♦ [ [http://www.librauto-narbonne.com/ librauto-narbonne-com] ] -Nîmes
*Okigo [ Avis and VINCI Park, [http://www.okigo.com/ okigo.com] ] -Paris ,Rouen
*Otolis ♦ [ [http://www.otolis.com otolis.com] ] -Poitiers
**Club Ma Voiture [ [http://www.wallgreen-63.com/htfr/0004.htm wallgreen-63.com] ] -Clermont-Ferrand
**La Voiture Partagée [ [http://www.wallgreen.com/_pages/liste_articles.php?rub=pages_partagee wallgreen.com] ] -Toulouse ♦ "France-Autopartage carsharings."
*Map of German cities with carsharing [http://www.carsharing.de/index.php?option=com_filialen&Itemid=41&task=show_map&catid=0&filialen_land=0&filialen_plz=&filialen_ort=] from German Carsharing Association; listing many more services than below.There are several regional carsharing service providers:
* [http://www.dbcarsharing.de DB Carsharing] - business traveler carsharing/car rental operated by German Railroads
* [http://www.cambiocar.com/cambio/carsharing/en/1/index.html cambio (in english)]
* [http://www.greenwheels.de GreenWheels]
* [http://www.stadtmobil.de Stadtmobil]
*StattAuto [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StattAuto]
*TeilAuto [http://www.teilauto.net/]Netherlands
* [http://www.connectcar.nl ConnectCar]
* [http://www.greenwheels.nl GreenWheels]
* [http://www.wheels4all.nl Wheels4All]Norway
* [http://www.bilkollektivet.no Bilkollektivet] (
Oslo )
* [http://www.dele.no/ Bilringen i Bergen] (Bergen )
* [http://www.trondheim-bilkollektiv.no/ Trondheim bilkollektiv] (Trondheim )
* [http://www.bilerforalle.no/ Biler for Alle Kragerø] (Kragerø )
* [http://www.bilerforalle.no/ Biler for Alle Vollen] (Vollen )pain
* [http://www.avancar.es?f=english Avancar]
* [http://www.bilpool.nu/ Bilpool]
* [http://www.lundsbilpool.nu/ Lunds bilpool] Lund
* [http://www.pilotfish.se/ Pilotfish Networks AB] Carsharing systems supplier Göteborgwitzerland
Mobility CarSharing United Kingdom
City Car Club [http://www.citycarclub.co.uk]
* [http://www.commonwheels.org.uk/ Commonwheels]
* [http://www.hourcar.org.uk/ Hourcar]
* [http://www.optionc.co.uk/ Option C] -Durham
*Whizzgo [http://www.whizzgo.co.uk]
* [http://www.wombatcarclub.co.uk Wombat Car Club] -Kesgrave ,Colchester
*Zipcar North America
* [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=110480663523685443028.00000111f5d7505d787da&ll=41.640078,-97.294922&spn=39.081312,69.697266&z=4 North American CarSharing Cities map]
AutoShare -Toronto
* [http://www.catco-op.org/ Calgary Alternative Transportation Co-operative] -Calgary
* [http://www.carsharehfx.ca/ Carshare HFX] -Halifax
*Communauto -Quebec City ,Montreal ,Sherbrooke ,Gatineau , (known as vrtuCar) inOttawa
* [http://www.thecompanycar.ca/ The Company Car] -Vancouver
* [http://www.cooperativeauto.net/ Co-operative Auto Network] -Vancouver ,Nanaimo ,Tofino ,Cortes Island
* [http://www.grandrivercarshare.ca/ Grand River CarShare (formerly Peoplescar)] -Kitchener, Ontario
* [http://www.nelsoncar.com/ Nelson Car Share Co-op] -Nelson, British Columbia
* [http://www.victoriacarshare.ca/ Victoria Car Share Co-op] - Victoria
*Zipcar -Toronto ,Vancouver United States
* (See North American map above) Major operators include:
* [http://www.austincarshare.org/ Austin CarShare] -Austin, Texas
* [http://www.carshare.org/ Boulder CarShare] -Boulder, Colorado
*City CarShare -San Francisco ,Oakland , andBerkeley ,California
* [http://www.myCityWheels.com/ CityWheels] -Cleveland, Ohio
*Community Car -Madison, Wisconsin [http://communitycar.com/faq/]
*HOURCAR -Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN [http://hourcar.org]
*I-GO -Chicago [http://www.igocars.org]
* [http://www.ithacacarshare.org/ Ithaca Carshare] -Ithaca, New York
* [http://www.drivemint.com Mint] -New York City
*PhillyCarShare -Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
*Zipcar (includingFlexcar as of 11/2007) - Major operations inAtlanta ,Boston ,Chicago ,London , UK,New York City ,Philadelphia ,Pittsburgh ,Portland, Oregon ,San Francisco ,Seattle ,Toronto, Ontario ,Vancouver, BC , andWashington, D.C. . Smaller fleets with 1-10 cars can also be found at some US universities.Nashville is slated to start in September 2008. [http://carsharingworld.com/2008/07/zipcar-possibly-coming-to-nashville/]
* [https://www.ucarshare.com U Car Share] - quasi carsharing operated by U-Haul Truck Rental -Ann Arbor , Austin,Boston ,Chicago , Madison,Philadelphia , Portland,San Francisco ,Seattle ,Washington, D.C. World
* [http://www.nowpublic.com/fleet_sharing_clubs_throughout_the_world Fleet-Sharing Clubs Throughout The World]
* [http://www.eileo.org Eileo carsharing technology world map]
* [http://www.pilotfish.se Pilotfish invites you to start your own carsharing]
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