Sequential Circuits Six-Trak
- Sequential Circuits Six-Trak

image_caption = Sequential Circuits Six-Trak
synth_name = Six-Trak
synth_manufacturer = Sequential Circuits
synthesis_type = Analog Subtractive
polyphony = 6
left_control = Pitch, Modulation
keyboard = 49-key
ext_control = MIDI
The "'Six-Trak" was an analogue synthesizer manufactured by Sequential Circuits in San Jose, California and released in January 1984. It is notable for being one of the first multi-timbral synthesizers, equipped with MIDI and an on-board six-track digital sequencer, hence the name. It was designed as an inexpensive and easily portable 'scratch-pad' machine for trying out arrangements. You can latch the arpegiator andplay along with sequences in real time. Also available is a unison mode which renders the keyboard monophonic but allows for very rich sounding timbres.
The Six-Trak is prominently featured and can be heard on the 1998 minimalist space music cd release "The Dream Garden", by musician/composer Dane Rochelle. The Six-Trak used on this album was purchased at a yard sale for the tiny sum of five dollars. Rochelle re-soldered the output jack connection and proceeded with making a new album resulting largely from his exploration of the Six-Trak's sounds. Notably, Rochelle used no sequencing in the recording of the album, insisting instead on performing the many long-running repetitive parts by hand in real time, unassisted by the machine's sequencer.
The Six-Trak's more famous sibling is the Prophet 5, widely used in much of the 1970's progressive rock.
Notable Users
* Cirrus (band)
* Helios Creed
* Dane Rochelle
*Technological Sun
* Uberzone
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