Makoto Itoh

Makoto Itoh
Makoto Itoh
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Born April 20, 1936
Nationality Japanese
Field Marxian economics
Influences Kozo Uno

Makoto Itoh (伊藤 誠 Itō Makoto?, born April 20, 1936) is a Japanese economist and is considered internationally to be one of the most important scholars of Marx's theory of value. He teaches at Kokugakuin University, Tokyo, and is professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo.

He belongs to the school of economic thought founded by Kozo Uno and is one of the few Japanese Marxian economists who has published widely in English-language journals such as Science & Society, Monthly Review, Capital & Class, New Left Review and Ampo. He has published 24 books, of which 6 are in English, and 5 are translated and published in Chinese.

Books in English

  • Value and Crisis (1980).
  • The Basic Theory of Capitalism (1987)
  • The world economic crisis and Japanese capitalism (1990)
  • Political Economy for Socialism (1995)
  • with Costas Lapavitsas, Political economy of money and finance (1999)
  • The Japanese Economy Reconsidered (2000)

Articles in English

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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