put up or shut up — means you do something you are talking about or not to talk about it any more … The small dictionary of idiomes
put up or shut up — ► put up or shut up informal justify oneself or remain silent. Main Entry: ↑put … English terms dictionary
put up or shut up — {v. phr.} {informal} 1. To bet your money on what you say or stop saying it. Often used as a command; often considered rude. * /The man from out of town kept saying their team would beat ours and finally John told him Put up or shut up. / 2. To… … Dictionary of American idioms
put up or shut up — {v. phr.} {informal} 1. To bet your money on what you say or stop saying it. Often used as a command; often considered rude. * /The man from out of town kept saying their team would beat ours and finally John told him Put up or shut up. / 2. To… … Dictionary of American idioms
put\ up\ or\ shut\ up — v. phr. informal 1. To bet your money on what you say or stop saying it. Often used as a command; often considered rude. The man from out of town kept saying their team would beat ours and finally John told him Put up or shut up. 2. To prove… … Словарь американских идиом
put up or shut up — informal if you say someone should put up or shut up, you mean they should either take action in order to do what they have been talking about or stop talking about it. You keep saying you re going to ask her out. Well, put up or shut up … New idioms dictionary
Put up or shut up! — exclam. Speak now or remain silent for good! □ I’m tired of your whining. What’s your problem? Put up or shut up! □ Now is your chance. Put up or shut up! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
put up or shut up — informal justify oneself or remain silent they called for the alderman to either put up or shut up * * * ˌput up or ˈshut up idiom (especially BrE) used to tell sb to stop just talking about sth and actually do it, show it, etc. Main entry:… … Useful english dictionary
put up or shut up — pay for or be quiet, do instead of talk If you brag about your cooking we ll ask you to put up or shut up … English idioms
put up or shut up — prove something or stop saying it, bet money on what one says or stop saying it The politician was forced to put up or shut up over the plans to build a new convention center … Idioms and examples