Giorno Giovanna

Giorno Giovanna

nihongo|Giorno Giovanna|ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ|Joruno Jobāana is a fictional character from the Japanese manga "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Giorno is the main hero of part 5. He is the son of the main villain of the series, Dio Brando.


Born Haruno Shiobana, Giorno is the son of Dio (fathered using Jonathan Joestar´s body, which logically that would make him part of the Joestar family) and a Japanese woman. As a young child his mother remarried, to an Italian man, and they moved to Italy; hence Haruno Shiobana became Giorno Giovanna.

Giorno's great ambition in life is to become a mafia boss (a "Gang Star"), and as such he eventually joins the mob squad Passione. Though he is its youngest and newest member, he quickly proves his mettle and eventually becomes the "de facto" leader of the group.

Unlike typical mafia bosses, he wanted to give divested riches to the poor, giving him an agenda similar to Robin Hood. He eventually influences all of Passione, all but their boss, who later became their worst enemy.


Gold Experience -A golden stand capable of changing inorganic objects into living organisms. In the beginning of series 5, Giorno frequently produces small life forms (frogs, snakes, flies) and plants which he apparently has control over. If one of these animals is attacked, the attacker will suffer the damage, rather than the animal. Soon after, it was discovered that Gold Experience's ability can be applied to live individuals, causing their thought process to greatly accelerate. This was employed in battles to cause enemies to lose temporal coordination of their bodies (the body cannot catch up with the thought process). Later on, Giorno developed (or discovered) Gold Experience's ability to produce organic components of the body (e.g. transforming bullets stuck in someone's body into the very blood vessels and organs they destroyed) - evidently, these transformations are permanent. Giorno discovers this new ability while fighting after having his throat and foot "cubed" off by Baby Face's ability. Giorno subsequently took up the healer role of the party. Unlike Josuke, Giorno can also heal himself.

Gold Experience Requiem - A new Stand that is created by piercing Gold Experience's body with the Stand Arrow. Gold Experience Requiem's ability is to turn anything, including his opponent's attack and willpower, back to the state of "zero". Hence, it is near invincible, as all "supposed" actions created by an opponent would have been reset (back to point zero). If the opponent is killed by the Stand's attack, then they will also continuously experience death, as they will die but repeatedly return to point "zero". It is mentioned by Giorno himself that he is unsure of the exact workings and limits of Requiem's powers. Requiem also appears to have a consciousness of its own that is unknown to Giorno.


*Giorno's hair used to be black. However, when his stand powers awakened, his hair became gold.
*Since Giorno is Dio's son, his battle cry is also "Muda Muda Muda Muda...Muda!". Giorno also pulls off a "WRYYYYYY!" during his fight with Cioccolatta.
*Giorno is Italian for "day"
*Giorno has the odd ability to stuff his entire ear into his ear canal.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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