connection — Synonyms and related words: ESP, Indian file, abutment, abuttal, access, accord, accounting for, acquaintance, act of love, addition, adjacency, adjoiningness, adjunct, adultery, affairs, affiliation, affinity, agent, agglomeration, agglutination … Moby Thesaurus
mating — Synonyms and related words: act of love, adultery, aphrodisia, ass, balling, carnal knowledge, climax, cohabitation, coition, coitus, coitus interruptus, commerce, congress, connection, copula, copulation, coupling, diddling, fornication,… … Moby Thesaurus
connection — n 1. union, junction, conjunction, juncture, conjuncture, conjugation, marriage, Inf. hookup; unification, accouplement, joinder; juxtaposition, collocation; joining, linking, uniting, binding, bonding, splicing, yoking; connecting, conjoining,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Clamp connection — A clamp connection is a structure formed by growing hyphal cells of certain fungi. It is created to ensure each septum, or segment of hypha separated by crossed walls, receives a set of differing nuclei, which are obtained through mating of… … Wikipedia
Gender of connectors and fasteners — A male threaded pipe, left, and female threaded elbow. In electrical and mechanical trades and manufacturing, each half of a pair of mating connectors or fasteners is conventionally assigned the designation male or female. The female connector is … Wikipedia
Love dart — SEM image of lateral view of a love dart of the land snail Monachoides vicinus. The scale bar is 500 μm (0.5 mm) … Wikipedia
Coaxial power connector — Most common coaxial power connector, male and female, 5.5 x 2.5 mm … Wikipedia
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
Electrical connector — Back of an audio amplifier features a variety of electrical connectors An electrical connector is an electro mechanical device for joining electrical circuits as an interface using a mechanical assembly. The connection may be temporary, as for… … Wikipedia
Animal sexual behaviour — This article is about the sexual behaviour of non human animals; see also Human sexuality and Sexual reproduction. Animal sexual behaviour takes many different forms, even within the same species. Among animals other than humans, researchers have … Wikipedia