- Lislagan Primary School
Lislagan Primary School is a primary school located about three miles from
Ballymoney ,County Antrim ,Northern Ireland . It is a controlled school for girls and boys aged from 3 to 11. It is situated in a rural location and children who attend the school live in the surrounding area. Enrolment has risen steadily over the last five years and currently stands at 94. It is within theNorth Eastern Education and Library Board area.*Enrolment: 87 in 2001-02, 84 in 2002-03, 86 in 2003-04, 92 in 2004-05, 94 in 2005-06
*Address: 50 Lislagan Road, Ballymoney, BT53 7JFReferences
* [http://www.schoolswebdirectory.co.uk/schoolinfo2.php?ref=27518 Schools Web Directory]
* [http://www.gsgdirectory.co.uk/?123488&Retry= Good Schools Guide]
* [http://www.denidata.nics.gov.uk/insp/inspection_reports/2006_03/focused_inspection_in_lislagan_primary_school_ballylmoney.doc School Inspection Report, January 2006]rare school
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