American Shorthair

American Shorthair

Infobox Catbreed
name=American Shorthair

country=Emigrated from Europe to America
The American Shorthair is the 8th most popular breed of cat in the United States according the Cat Fancier's Association for 2006-2007. The breed is believed to be descended from English cats (the forebears of today's British Shorthairs) brought to North America by early British settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats.cite book|last=Stephens|first=Gloria|coauthors=Tetsu Yamazaki|title=Legacy of the Cat|edition=2nd ed.|year=2001|publisher=Chronicle Books|location=San Francisco|id=ISBN 0-8118-2910-3|pages=p. 49]


When settlers sailed from Britain to North America they carried cats on board ship to protect the stores from mice. Most of these cats "settled" in the New World, interbred, and developed special characteristics to help them cope with their new life and climate. Early this century a selective breeding program was established to develop the best qualities of these cats.


A very athletic cat, American Shorthair has a larger, leaner, and more powerfully built body than its relation, the British Shorthair.

American Shorthairs are a pedigreed cat with strict standards and a distinctive appearance as set by the various Cat Fanciers Associations worldwide.

Originally known as the Domestic Shorthair, the breed was renamed in 1966 to the "American Shorthair" to better represent its "All American" character and to differentiate it other shorthaired breeds. The name "American Shorthair" also reinforces the notion that the American shorthair is unique and distinct from cats found in streets, neighborhoods and barnyards. [ Cat Fanciers' Association American Shorthair breed profile]

A non-pedigreed shorthaired cat (called a Domestic shorthair cat) might resemble an American Shorthair, just as another random-bred cat might look like a Siamese, Persian or Maine Coon. The difference, however, is that American shorthairs are a pedigreed cat and are recognized as such by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA). [ Cat Fanciers' Association American Shorthair breed profile]

According to the CFA, American Shorthairs are low-maintenance cats that are generally healthy, easy-going and affectionate. Males are significantly larger than females, weighing eleven to fifteen pounds when fully grown. Mature females weigh eight to twelve pounds when they achieve full growth at three to four years of age. American Shorthairs can live fifteen to twenty years, like most felines, and often only requiring only annual vaccinations, veterinary checkups, a quality diet and plenty of tender loving care. These cats have long tails and usually slender bodies. [ Cat Fanciers' Association American Shorthair breed profile]

The American Shorthair is recognized in more than eighty different colors and patterns ranging from the striking brown patched tabby to the glistening blue-eyed white, the beautiful shaded silvers, smokes and cameos to the flashy calico van, and many colors in between. The most well-known American Shorthair color today is the silver tabby, with dense black markings set on a sterling silver background. You probably have seen an example of this striking variety in television and magazine advertising or in recent movie roles. [ Cat Fanciers' Association American Shorthair breed profile]

In the American Shorthair and other breeds of cats, heart disease can be inherited. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy(HCM) has been confirmed as an autosomal dominant inherited trait. [ Special Report to the Winn Feline Foundation: Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Advice for Breeders] While there is no cure for HCM, early diagnosis and medication can help significantly prolong an affected cat's life.


External links

* [ CFA American Shorthair Breed Profile]
* [ FBRL Breed Page: American Shorthair]
* [ American Shorthair Club Japan]
* [ National American Shorthair Club]

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