Scott S. Sheppard

Scott S. Sheppard

Scott S. Sheppard is an astronomer in the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution for Science. Starting as a graduate student at the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii, he was credited with the discovery of many small moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. He has also discovered the second known Neptune Trojan, mpl|2004 UP|10 as well as several Kuiper Belt Objects, Centaurs, and Near Earth Asteroids.

Among the named moons he has been involved in the discovery of are: ;Jupiter
*Themisto (2000), first discovered by Charles Kowal in 1975
*Harpalyke (2000)
*Praxidike (2000)
*Chaldene (2000)
*Isonoe (2000)
*Erinome (2000)
*Taygete (2000)
*Kalyke (2000)
*Megaclite (2000)
*Iocaste (2000)
*Euporie (2001)
*Orthosie (2001)
*Euanthe (2001)
*Thyone (2001)
*Hermippe (2001)
*Pasithee (2001)
*Aitne (2001)
*Eurydome (2001)
*Autonoe (2001)
*Sponde (2001)
*Kale (2001)
*Arche (2002)
*Eukelade (2003)
*Helike (2003)
*Aoede (2003)
*Hegemone (2003)
*Kallichore (2003)
*Cyllene (2003)
*Mneme (2003)
*Thelxinoe (2003)
*Carpo (2003)
*Kore (2003)

*Narvi (2003)
*Fornjot (2004)
*Farbauti (2004)
*Aegir (2004)
*Bebhionn (2004)
*Hati (2004)
*Bergelmir (2004)
*Fenrir (2004)
*Bestla (2004)
*Hyrrokkin (2004)
*Kari (2004)
*Loge (2006)
*Surtur (2006)
*Skoll (2006)
*Greip (2006)
*Jarnsaxa (2006)
*Tarqeq (2007)

*Margaret (2003)

*Psamathe (2003)

External links

* [ Scott Sheppard's web site] at the [ Carnegie Institution for Science]

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