Low Memorial Library

Low Memorial Library

Infobox nrhp
name = Low Memorial Library
nrhp_type = nhl

caption = Low Library in 2006
location = Campus of Columbia University, Manhattan, NY
nearest_city =
lat_degrees = 40 | lat_minutes = 48 | lat_seconds = 32 | lat_direction = N
long_degrees = 73 | long_minutes = 57 | long_seconds = 42 | long_direction = W
area =
built = 1895
architect = McKim, Mead, and White
architecture = Beaux-Arts
designated= December 23, 1987 cite web|url=http://tps.cr.nps.gov/nhl/detail.cfm?ResourceId=2033&ResourceType=Building
title=Low Memorial Library|date=2007-09-15|work=National Historic Landmark summary listing|publisher=National Park Service
added = December 23, 1987cite web|url=http://www.nr.nps.gov/|title=National Register Information System|date=2007-01-23|work=National Register of Historic Places|publisher=National Park Service]
visitation_num =
visitation_year =
refnum = 87002599
mpsub =
governing_body = Columbia University
The Low Memorial Library is the administrative center of Columbia University. Built in 1895 by University President Seth Low in memory of his father, Abiel Abbot Low, and financed with $1 million of Low's own money due to the recalcitrance of university alumni, it is the focal point and most prominent building on the university's Morningside Heights campus. The steps leading to the library's columned facade are a popular hangout and meeting place for Columbia students, as well as home to Daniel Chester French's sculpture, "Alma Mater", a university symbol that is the subject of many rumors. Low Library was officially named a New York City landmark in 1967, then a National Historic Landmark 20 years later.cite web|url=PDFlink| [http://pdfhost.focus.nps.gov/docs/NHLS/Text/87002599.pdf "Low Memorial Library, Columbia", not correctly dated-assume 1987, by Carolyn Pitts] |560 KiB |title=National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination|date=1987|publisher=National Park Service] cite web|url=PDFlink| [http://pdfhost.focus.nps.gov/docs/NHLS/Photos/87002599.pdf Low Memorial Library, Columbia--Accompanying photos, various dates.] |1.56 MiB |title=National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination|date=1987|publisher=National Park Service]

It is capped by the largest freestanding granite dome in the United States. [ [http://www.gs.columbia.edu/kevinmap/lowmemorial.htm Low Memorial Library ] ]


Designed by the acclaimed firm of McKim, Mead, and White, Low's design melds elements of Athens' Parthenon and the Roman Pantheon, especially the latter's dome. In addition, the library is in the shape of a Greek Cross and it features windows modelled on those of the Baths of Diocletian. The columns on the library's front facade are in the Ionic order, suited to institutions of arts and letters. An inscription on the building's attic describes the history of the university. It reads:

"King's College Founded in the Province of New York"
"By Royal Charter in the Reign of George II"
"Perpetuated as Columbia College by the People of the State of New York"
"When they became Free and Independent - Maintained and Cherished from Generation to Generation"
"For the Advancement of the Public Good and the Glory of Almighty God"

Butler Library ] The interior abounds with classical references. At the entryway are bronze busts of Zeus and Apollo. The "foyer" contains a white marble bust of Pallas Athena, modeled after the Minerve du Collier at the Louvre. She is surrounded there by the twelve signs of the zodiac. The 106-foot tall rotunda, formerly the library reading room when the building was used for its original function, is lined with columns of solid green Connemara marble from Ireland, topped with gold capitals. Roman and Greek philosophers Demosthenes, Euripides,Sophocles, and Augustus Caesar stare down from the rotunda's heights as the four points of knowledge, Law, Philosophy, Medicine, and Theology mark the four points of the Greek Cross. The rest of the interior is finished with Italian and Istrian marble.

Low Library's location, atop a plinth of stairs at the centre of campus, was meant to demonstrate the value of the secular pursuit of knowledge as opposed to religion, the role of which was minimised via the subsidiary placement of the university's religious buildings on Low's right and left flanks. Still, a Judeo-Christian influence is evidenced by the building's shape, in the form of a Greek cross.

A late-19th century real estate magazine, believing Low to be patterned after a French church by "the architect Rumpf", criticised the design, writing that "there is scarcely any original designing done in this city, except the vagaries of the incompetent. The rest is mostly a copybook reproduction of classical and other detail. Successful architects have too much to do to be pre-eminently artists -- they must be first-rate men of business." ["Streetscapes/Morningside Heights; The Library That Crowned Columbia's Move North" in the "New York Times", 17 February 2002]


The first building on Columbia's new Morningside campus when it was built in 1895, rising out of cropfields, Low originally served as the university's main library, a role which ended when it was supplanted by the larger Butler Library in 1934, and it now only holds the university's archives in addition to its administrative offices. Confusingly, however, the building's facade is still etched with the words "The Library of Columbia University," leading many to mistakenly believe that it retains its earlier role.

During the 1968 Columbia protests, Low was occupied by students objecting to, among other things, the proposed construction of a university-owned gymnasium in Morningside Park as well as Columbia's involvement with the Vietnam War. Within Low, the students barricaded themselves inside the office of University President Grayson L. Kirk, where they sifted for documents. Dramatic scenes ensued, including attempts to catapult food to the protesters and efforts by their adversaries to cordon them off. The access of Columbia media outlets such as WKCR and the "Columbia Daily Spectator" that allowed them to break stories relating to the events in Low prior to national news organizations remains a mystery; many believe students had access to secret tunnels. The protesters were only removed after a controversially violent assault on the building by the New York Police Department.

In 1954, during the University's bicentennial, Low Library was commemorated on a postage stamp. For the University's semiquencentennial in 2004, it was placed on a stamped postal card. [http://my.execpc.com/~nixlt/lowlibrary.htm] .


External links

* [http://www.gs.columbia.edu/kevinmap/lowmemorial.htm Low Memorial Library information by the School of General Studies]
* [http://www.gs.columbia.edu/360tour/columbia_library.htm 360-degree view of the Low Library rotunda]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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