

Louis-Nicolas and Henri-Joseph van Blarenberghe were two French brothers born in Lille, painting usually in Gouache during the 18th century. Their style was similar, and often they worked on the same painting together. They specialised in seascapes and scenes of military encampments and battles. Miniatures by the brothers often decorated snuff boxes and small objects d'art. Their style is near from flamish painting.

Their work was collected in profusion in the 19th century by the Rothschild family. There is a collection of their work on public display at Waddesdon Manor. An enormous collection of Blarenberghe art was sold in the Mentmore Towers sale of 1977.

External links

:French [ exhibition about Henri-Joseph Van Blarenberghe at Musée du Louvre, Paris France] :French [ Exhibition about Louis-Nicolas Van Blarenberghe at Versailles, France]

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