Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers

Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers

The Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (referred to and pronounced as "ALPO") was founded by Walter H. Haas in 1947, and incorporated in 1990 as a medium for advancing and conducting astronomical work by both professional and amateur astronomers who share an interest in solar system observations [ [ ALPO About Web Section] ] .

The organization is an international group that studies the Sun, Moon, the solar system's eight planets, asteroids, meteors, and comets. Their goals are to stimulate, coordinate, and generally promote the study of these bodies using methods and instruments that are available within the communities of both amateur and professional astronomers. The organization holds a conference each summer, usually in conjunction with other astronomical groups.

ALPO publishes a periodical, The Journal of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, more commonly known as "The Strolling Astronomer".


External links

* [ ALPO Web Site]

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