John Whitelocke

John Whitelocke

John Whitelocke (1757October 23, 1833), British army officer, was doubtless a descendant of Sir James Whitelocke.

He entered the army in 1778 and served in Jamaica and in San Domingo. In 1805 he was made a lieutenant-general and inspector-general of recruiting, and in 1807 he was appointed to command an expedition sent to seize Buenos Aires from the Spaniards. An attack on the city was stubbornly resisted, and subsequently Whitelocke undertook negotiations with the opposing general Liniers, which culminated in British forces abandoning the expedition, surrendering and returning home later that year.

This proceeding was regarded with great disfavour both by the soldiers and others in South America and in England, and its author was brought before a court-martial convened at The Royal Hospital [Gaunt, William, "Chelsea", B.T. Batsford Ltd, London, 1954, p. 53] in London in 1808. On all the charges except one he was found guilty and he was dismissed from the service. He lived in retirement until his death at Hall Barn Park, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire on October 23, 1833.


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