- Amir Hamudi Hasan al-Sadi
Amir Hamudi Hasan al-Saadi or Amer al-Saadi (born April 5, 1938), "the organizational genius behind the Iraqi superweapons program,"cite web |url= http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3340773/ |title= Iraqi negotiator was Saddam’s favorite: Superweapons czar led talks on inspections with Blix |author= Robert Windrem |work=
MSNBC |date= October 24, 2003 |quote= ] wasSaddam Hussein 's liaison with the UN inspectors in the runup to the2003 invasion of Iraq . Like the defectorHussein Kamel , he insisted Iraq had destroyed its prohibited weapons. While he was dismissed by the US as a liar, he was vindicated by the subsequent failure to uncoverweapons of mass destruction by theIraqi Survey Group .He was #32 on the most-wanted list, and seven of diamonds in the card deck.
He turned himself in to coalition forces on April 12, 2003, with the help of
ZDF journalists who he asked to monitor and document his surrender. He was detained inBaghdad International Airport as a "High Value Detainee". As such he has been subjected tosolitary confinement for 23 hours a day. TheInternational Committee of the Red Cross stated in its confidential report to the coalition authority that this constituted a "serious violation of the Third and FourthGeneva Convention s". He was both the first person on the most wanted list to turn himself in, and the first to be detained by the U.S.He remains in solitary as of May 5, 2004.
According to a written Parliamentary answer [http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/cm200405/cmhansrd/cm050204/text/50204w22.htm] by Dennis Mcshane MP to Angus Robertson MP, Amer Al Saadi was released by the US on 18 January 2005. However, as detailed [http://lefti.blogspot.com/2005_11_01_lefti_archive.html#113130270897728782 here] , this claim is highly dubious. A June 20, 2005 [http://www.newsweek.com/id/50130 Newsweek article] reported that a "State Department official...denied al-Sadi had been freed from custody," while in July, 2005 (i.e., well after January), Dr. Rod Barton, an Australian scientist who was a key deputy to Dr. Charles Duelfer, made a strong plea for the release of Dr. al-Saadi, which would certainly indicate that someone in a position to know still believed him to be held.
al-Saadi's [http://lefti.blogspot.com/2005_11_01_lefti_archive.html#113130270897728782 key role] in refuting U.S. allegations of Iraqi WMD, including those of Colin Powell at the United Nations, almost certainly play a key role in his continued detention.
He was awarded a PhD is in
physical chemistry fromBattersea College of Technology . During his study he married a German inLondon in October 1963; their common language is English. Mrs al-Saadi raised their children inHamburg .He retired a lieutenant general in 1994 and was made a presidential scientific advisor.
He was not a member of the
Ba'ath Party .Family
His younger brother
Radhwan al-Saadi worked in Iraq's oil ministry and is now head of its finance department.References
* February 2004 Report of the ICRC on treatment by coalition forces in Iraq
External links
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1209574,00.html Why being right on WMD is no consolation to Iraqi scientist labelled enemy of America] ("Guardian")
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.