- Voulet-Chanoine Mission
The Voulet-Chanoine Mission or Central African Mission (] which were anyway very vague--he was only asked to explore the territory between the Niger and
lake Chad , and put the area "under French protection". The Minister of Colonies merely said, "I don't pretend to be able to give you any instructions on which route to choose or how you are to behave towards the native chieftains". [S. Lindqvist, p. 163] In the opinion of the British historian G. Regan, this meant "giving "carte blanche" to two known psychopaths in uniform". [G. Regan, p. 145] , especially considering Voulet had already told the governor ofFrench Sudan that he meant to crush any resistance by burning villages. [S. Lindqvist, p. 163]Division and reunion of the column
When the column reached
Koulikoro , on the Niger, it divided. Chanoine led most of the expedition overland across the 600-mile bend of the river, while Voulet travelled downriver with the rest of the men, and reachedTimbuktu , held byLieutenant-Colonel Jean-François Klobb who provided him with another 70 tirailleurs and 20 sipahis. Chanoine had increasing difficulties finding provisions for his large column in the arid region where he marched; he started pillaging the villages on the way, and gave orders for anyone trying to escape to be shot. In addition to these troubles, adysentery epidemic broke out. By the end of the first two months the mission had lost 148 bearers to dysentery. [S. Lindqvist, p. 165; G. Regan, p. 145]Voulet and Chanoine reunited with the expedition in January at the easternmost French post in Sudan, Say in modern
Niger . The column was by now 2,000-men strong, well over the number that their supplies could sustain. Even though they were in French-controlled areas, Voulet's troops started pillaging, looting, raping and killing. Among the most brutal episodes was Sansanné-Haoussa, a village that on 8 January 1899 was sacked. One hundred and one people were killed, among them thirty women and children, to set an example in retaliation for the wounding of a couple of his soldiers. When at the end of the month the mission left theNiger River to pass into the semi-desert areas extending east, their march became an endless orgy of looting and killing. [S. Lindqvist, p. 166; G. Regan, p. 145]candal in Paris
In January, Lt. Peteau, one of the mission's officers, told Voulet that he had enough and was leaving, and Voulet countered by dismissing him on 29 January 1900 for "lack of discipline and enthusiasm." This decision eventually backfired: on 15 February Peteau wrote a letter to his fiancée that fully detailed the atrocities committed by Voulet and Chanoine that he had witnessed. Peteau's fiancée contacted her local deputy, who promptly sent her letter on to the Minister of Colonies
Antoine Guillain . This brought about the decision by the Dupuy ministry on 20 April to arrest Voulet and Chanoine and send orders to the Governor-General of French Sudan, Colonel Vimard, to have them replaced at the head of the mission with the governor of Timbuktu, Klobb. Among the chief concerns of the French government was that Voulet was carrying out his depredations in Sokoto, an unconquered territory that by the Anglo-French agreement of June 1898 had been assigned to theUnited Kingdom .Klobb immediately left Timbuktu, taking fifty tirailleurs and Lt.
Octave Meynier as his second. Meanwhile, Voulet was meeting considerable resistance to his advance from the local queen Sarraounia, and at Lougou on 16 April encountered his hardest battle yet, with 4 men killed and 6 wounded. [cite journal | author=Logéat, Yvon| title = Version grecque | journal = Atala | issue = 3 | year = 2003 | url = http://www.lycee-chateaubriand.fr/cru-atala/publications/logeat_antiquite.htm ] Voulet took his revenge on 8 May: in one of the worst massacres in French colonial history, he slaughtered all the inhabitants of the village ofBirni-N'Konni , killing possibly thousands of people. [R. Guyotat, "La colonne infernale"]Voulet's rebellion
Klobb followed the trail left by the "infernal column's" passage; a trail of burned villages and charred corpses. He passed trees where women had been hanged, and cooking fires where children had been roasted. He also found the corpses of the expedition's guides; those that had displeased Voulet had been strung up alive in a position that the foot went to the hyenas and the rest of the body to the vultures. [S. Lindqvist, p. 167]
On 10 July 10, after a pursuit of over 2000 km, Klobb arrived at Damangara, near
Zinder , where the villagers informed him that Voulet and his men were just a few hours' march ahead. He sent an African sergeant with two soldiers to give Voulet a letter informing him that he had been removed from his position and was to return home immediately; to this Voulet replied that he had 600 guns against his (Klobb's) fifty, and would use them if he dared to come near. Voulet and Chanoine were careful not to inform the other officers of Klobb's letter, and in the following days kept them occupied in raids. OnJuly 13 he conducted his last massacre: after a villager killed two of his men, Voulet had 150 women and children slaughtered. The same evening he wrote a second letter to Klobb, in which he again told him not to try to come closer.Klobb did not believe the other officers or the riflemen would dare to kill, or let be killed, a superior officer. He was unaware that Voulet had kept the new orders secret, and that as a precaution Voulet had made sure only himself and Chanoine would be present to receive him. Consequently, the following morning, Klobb proceeded with his men to Dankori, where Voulet waited. Upon seeing him, Voulet ordered his men to disperse and sent Klobb a last warning, which Klobb ignored.
Klobb, after telling his men not to open fire under any circumstances, in full-dress uniform and with his "
Légion d'honneur " medal pinned on his chest, proceeded alone toward Voulet, who kept telling him to go back. To emphasise his warnings Voulet ordered two salvos fired in the air. When Klobb addressed Voulet's men, reminding them of their duties, Voulet threatened them with a pistol and ordered them to open fire. Klobb fell, wounded, still ordering his men not to return fire; but his words were truncated by a new salvo that killed Klobb, while Klobb's soldiers fled. [S. Lindqvist, pp. 168-169; G. Regan, p. 146]Voulet and Chanoine's deaths
On the evening of Klobb's assassination, Voulet informed his officers of the clash and, while stripping off his
galloons , proclaimed: "I'm no more a Frenchman, I'm a black chief. With you, I will found an empire" ("Je ne suis plus français, je suis un chef noir. Avec vous, je vais fonder un empire"). The officers' reaction was far from enthusiastic, and their mood infected the troop. OnJuly 16 an informer told Voulet that the troop was about to mutiny. Voulet and Chanoine assembled the riflemen, and after shooting the informer in front of the troop--for informing him too late of the impending mutiny--Voulet harangued the soldiers about their duty to obey their leaders, while at the same time shooting at them. The Senegalese returned fire, killing Chanoine, but Voulet escaped into the darkness and found refuge with some villagers. Asergeant then informed Lt. Pallier, the first French officer he found, of what had happened, and pledged the loyalty of the troop to him. [R. Guyotat, ibid.]The last chapter of Voulet's rebellion was played out the following morning, when he tried to reenter the camp, but was blocked by a sentry who refused to let him pass. Voulet shot at him but missed, and the sentry killed him. [G. Regan, p. 147] Pallier, who was now in command, decided to take
Zinder , then the biggest town in present dayNiger and a former vassal of the Bornu Empire [cite encyclopedia| title = Senegal, West Africa| encyclopedia = Encyclopædia Britannica|publisher =Horace Everett Hooper | date = 1911| url = http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Senegal,_West_Africa] ; Pallier defeated the local ruler "sarki" Amadou, and took the city onJuly 30 . [É. Gentil, "La chute de l'empire de Rabah", p. 587]The mission's completion
Shortly afterwards, Pallier left Zinder with 300 riflemen to make a reconnaissance of the route to
Lake Chad , but was forced by a mutiny among his men to make a premature return to the city. The soldiers had threatened to kill him if he didn't immediately take them back to Zinder and promise to send them back toFrench Sudan . Consequently it was decided at Zinder to split the expedition, with 300 riflemen, Lt. Pallier, Dr. Henric and two European NCOs leaving immediately for French Sudan while the remaining 270 riflemen (who had pledged to continue the mission for another year) put themselves under the command of Lt.Paul Joalland . Klobb's former officer, Lt.Octave Meynier , became Joalland's second and the expedition became known as the Joalland-Meynier Mission. [Ibid.]Joalland and Meynier remained for some time in Zinder to pacify the area; the "sarki" Amadou was killed on
September 15 during a skirmish, which brought Zinder's territory under full control. This freed the two French officers to leave Zinder onOctober 3 to continue with their reconnaissance. They took 170 men and a cannon, while 100 men were left behind to secure the city under the command of theEurope an sergeant Bouthel, who was awaiting the Foureau-Lamy mission that was heading towards Zinder fromAlgiers across theSahara , and which arrived in November. [Ibid.]In January 1900 Foureau and Lamy left Zinder, moving south-east towards the Komadugu Yobe River. They followed this river east to
Lake Chad , north around the western and northern shores of the lake and then south along its eastern shore. Here they encountered Joalland who had travelled north, up the east side of the lake, to meet them. The united expeditions, now under the overall command of Lamy, returned south to Joalland's base camp on the right bank of theChari River , near where it enters Lake Chad from the south. [cite web | last = Barrows| first = Leland Conley| title = Two Pot Boilers as Remakes of "Beau-geste" | publisher = H-Africa| date = 2006| url = http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=119451144082074 |]The joint expedition conquered
Kousséri in April 1900; shortly afterwards, onApril 21 , they were joined by a third expedition, theGentil Mission , that had entered the area from the Congo and been awaiting them for some time in the region of Lake Chad. The following day, in thebattle of Kousséri , this combined force totally defeatedRabih az-Zubayr 's forces, and Rabih was killed in the fight, his empire crumbling with him. This event meant that the original expedition had now accomplished all its main aims, that is, surveying the lands of NorthernNigeria andNiger (contributing to a clearer Franco-British delimitation of the colonial borders), uniting with the Foureau-Lamy mission and destroying Rabih's empire, which permitted the institution in September by the French government of the Military territory of Chad. [L. Caron, ibid.]Having achieved their goals, Joalland and Meynier left Chad and returned to
French Sudan and theNiger River by November. Joalland, the doctor Henric and the other French officers, due to the military success of the campaign, were able to avoid the scrutiny of theCouncil of war . Both Joalland and Meynier went on to have successful careers, and become generals. [R. Guyotat, ibid.]Reactions in France
When, in August 1899, the government made public the atrocities committed by the Voulet's expedition and the murder of Klobb, a storm of indignation arose from the press, and France's claim of a "civilizing mission" in Africa was tarnished, as was the army, whose prestige was already considerably weakened by the
Dreyfus Affair . [cite book| last =Regan | first =Geoffrey | title = More Military Blunders | publisher = Carlton Books| date = 2004| pages = 147| id = ISBN 1-84442-710-2 ]The expedition's eventual success greatly reduced the public indignation; and when the radical MP
Paul Vigné d'Octon proposed in the National Assembly on December 7, 1900 the formation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry, the government rejected the request as being "dangerous and purposeless". [cite book| last =Luxemburg | first =Rosa | title = The Socialist Crisis in France | date = 1901| url = http://www.marxists.org/archive/luxemburg/1901/socialist-crisis-france/ch02.htm] An enquiry requested by the Ministry of Colonies was closed onDecember 1 1902 , claiming that Voulet and Chanoine had been driven mad by the dreadful heat, the "soudanite aiguë".The mission in literature and cinema
After a long period of oblivion, the memory of the expedition was revived in 1976 by the writer
Jacques-Francis Rolland in his "Le Grand Captaine", honoured with the "Prix des Maisons de la Presse". The book is centered on the figure of Voulet, seen as a titanic individual, reckless and unsubmissive, bloody for reasons of strategy. A very different perspective was taken in 1980 byAbdoulaye Mamani in "Sarraounia", the masterpiece ofNiger ien fiction. Here the protagonist is not the conqueror, the invader who is openly censured, but the African queen that refuses to submit, and whose heroism is extolled. There is no pretence of impartiality: the author himself was to call his work a "roman engagé", i.e. a politically motivated novel. [cite journal | author=Tidjani Alou, Antoinette | title = Sarraounia et ses intertextes| journal = SudLangues | issue = 5 | year = 2005 | url = http://www.sudlangues.sn/IMG/pdf/doc-102.pdf ]Mamani was to participate in the 1986
screenplay of "Sarraounia", a film based on his novel and directed by theMauritania nMed Hondo , in a France-Burkina Faso coproduction that won the first prize in thePanafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou . An anticolonialist epic, the work, like that of Mamani, sets out to offer a radically new African historical perspective, countering the Eurocentric view. [cite paper| author = Nzepa Petnkeu, Zacharie| title = Cinema et mythes dans l'espace francphone| date = 2005| url = https://drum.umd.edu/dspace/bitstream/1903/2609/1/umi-umd-2506.pdf| format =PDF |] A Frenchtelevision movie produced bySerge Moati in 2004, "Capitaines des ténèbres", focuses on the column, and especially on its two captains. The film is openly influenced byJoseph Conrad 'snovella "Heart of Darkness " and in particular by its character Kurtz, of whom Voulet is seen as an incarnation. The material collected for Moati's movie also provides the basis of the documentary "Blancs de mémoire", directed by Manuel Gasquet, that follows in the expedition's footsteps and examines its impact on the inhabitants of the areas it passed through. [cite book| last = Gasquet | first = Manuel| title = Blancs de mémoire | publisher = CNDP| date = 2006| location = Paris|url=http://education.france5.fr/_fichier/blancsdememoire.pdf| id = ISBN 2-240-01605-1|format=PDF]ee also
Battle of Togbao
*Battle of Kouno
*French colonial empires
*Colonialism References
*cite book|author=Gentil, Émile|title=La chute de l'empire de Rabah|publisher=Hachette|year=1971|pages=pp. 171–172|
*cite news | last =Guyotat | first = Régis| title = La colonne infernale de Voulet-Chanoine| language = French | publisher =Le Monde | date = 1999-09-26| url = http://www.ldh-toulon.net/article.php3?id_article=399|
*cite book| author =Lindqvist, Sven | title = Exterminate All the Brutes | publisher = Granta Books| date = 2002| pages = 163–170| id = ISBN 1-86207-508-5
*cite book| last =Regan | first =Geoffrey | title = More Military Blunders | publisher = Carlton Books| date = 2004| pages = 145–147| id = ISBN 1-84442-710-2Notes
External links
* [http://www.geocities.com/cdferree/history/chad.htm The Voulet-Chanoine Mission To Lake Chad]
*fr icon [http://www.genancestral.com/france/1800/colonne_voulet.php La colonne Voulet-Chanoine]
*fr icon [http://perso.orange.fr/jacques.morel67/ccfo/crimcol/node49.html Massacre de Birni-N'Konni]
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