

There have been several prominent current and historical figures named Thiele:

* A. Neville Thiele (1920- ) Australian scientist, responsible for creating the algorithms for calculating loudspeaker cabinets together with Richard H. Small. (Thiele/Small parameter)
* Alfonso Thiele
* Bob Thiele (1922-1996), producer and record executive, who co-composed "What a Wonderful World", and discovered Buddy Holly and the Crickets.
* Colin Thiele (1920-2006), writer of popular children's stories, including "Storm Boy"
* Edwin R. Thiele (1895-1986), missionary and archaeologist, best known for his Old Testament chronology
* Fritz Thiele
* Gerhard Thiele (1953- ), ESA astronaut and geophysicist, who was on the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission in February 2000
* Hertha Thiele
* Holger Thiele (1878 – 1946), Danish-American astronomer
* Jacob Thiele
* Johannes Thiele (1860-1935), German zoologist, and curator of the Museum of Natural History in Berlin
* Johannes Thiele (chemist), chemist at the university of Munich
* Thorvald N. Thiele (1838-1910), Danish astronomer and mathematician, a founder of the insurance company Hafnia
* Peter Thiele (1968), program director, TV Producer, Publisher, Writer and Talk Show Host.

ee also

* Tiele
* Teale

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