

name = "Athanas"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
subphylum = Crustacea
classis = Malacostraca
ordo = Decapoda
subordo = Pleocyemata
infraordo = Caridea
familia = Alpheidae
genus = "Athanas"
genus_authority = Leach, 1814
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "See text"

"Athanas" is a genus of shrimp of the family Alpheidae. These are small shrimp measuring 2 cm in length. They can be blue, red or transparent in colour. The rostrum is well-developed and straight, projecting beyond the first segment of the first antenna. Two anterior projections of the carapace partially cover the eyes, hence the common name "hooded shrimp". The first pair of walking legs is enlarged, symmetrical in females and asymmetrical in males. Females have smaller chelae than males [cite web |author=S. J. Rowley |date=2005-07-22 |title="Athanas nitescens", hooded shrimp |work=Marine Life Information Network Biology and Sensitivity Key Information Sub-programme |publisher=Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom |url=] .


This is a list of species in the genus "Athanas" [cite web |url= |title=CAAB Search Result: Alpheidae |publisher=Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |accessdate=2007-07-05] :Verify source|date=September 2007
* "Athanas areteformis"
* "Athanas borradailei"
* "Athanas dimorphus"
* "Athanas djiboutensis"
* "Athanas granti"
* "Athanas hasswelli"
* "Athanas japonicus"
* "Athanas locincertus"
* "Athanas marshallensis"Verify source|date=September 2007
* "Athanas nitescens"
* "Athanas ornithorhynchus"
* "Athanas parvus"
* "Athanas polymorphus"
* "Athanas polynesica"Verify source|date=September 2007
* "Athanas verrucosus"Verify source|date=September 2007


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