

The "arghul" ( _ar. أرغول or يرغول), also spelled "argul", "arghoul", "arghool", "argol", or "yarghul" (Palestine), is a traditional Arabic musical instrument. It has been used since Ancient Egyptian times and is still used as a traditional instrument in Egypt.

The arghul is a double-pipe, single-reed woodwind instrument that consists of two tubes: a melody pipe with between five and seven holes and a longer drone (Arabic "ardiyya", "ground") pipe. Its tone is similar to that of a clarinet, although a bit reedier. Unlike the similar mijwiz, the arghul only has fingering holes on one of the instrument's pipes, and the drone pipe has a detachable length that allows the player to alter the pitch of the drone.

Arghuls are played in Egypt and other Arab nations as an accompaniment to belly dancing and other types of Arabic musical performances. Circular breathing is an important part of the playing of the instrument.

There are three varieties of arghuls: The small arghul ("arghoul alasghar"), the medium arghul ("arghoul alsoghayr"), and the large arghul ("arghoul alkebir").


Çifte is a Turkish folk instrument of the wind type. It is made by tying two reed pipes side by side. Two small reed pieces which produce the sound are added to the ends of both reeds. These two small reeds are taken into the mouth cavity and it is played by blowing the air into both at the same time.

There are two çifte types known as Demli Çifte and Demsiz Çifte. In demli çifte one of the reeds does not have any pitch keys and it just produces a background sound. There are melody keys on the other red and the main melody is played through them

Çifte is also known as Argun, Argul, Kargın or Zambır at different regions.


The "dozaleh" [dozAle] is one of the old folk wind instruments of Iran which is used in mirth celebrations.
Abu Nasr Farabi had called it Mezmarol-Mosana or Mozdavadg [mozdavej] (married!). The "dozaleh" has a sound like Neyanban [neianbAn] (bagpipe), but to some extend more clear and lower. It is played in Khorasan [xorAsAn] , Kermanshah [KermAnSAh] , and mostly in Iran. In some different dialects it is called Zanbooreh [zanbureh] .

External links

* [ Arghul page] from Zaman Production site


* [ Arghul audio]

ee also


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