

Atalburu (from Basque "atari" 'doorway' "buru" 'head') is the name given to the lintel above the main entrance of traditional Basque houses.

For each new house, it was usual, in particular in the province of Lower Navarre, to engrave on these stones:
* the year of construction,
* generally the name of spouses,
* religious symbols, as a cross,
* other traditional motives, as a lauburu or simply its constitutive commas, doves symbol of fidelity, stylized plants symbol of prosperity, rosettes of laurel leaves, symbol of immortality or various others as sun, stars...
* working toolsThe text may refer to religion. As examples:
*"Au nom du Père et du Fils et du St Esprit m'a fait bâtir l'an 1806" ('In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Gost, (one) made me build in year 1806')...

If in the Basque Country each house has a name, it was seldom written on the atalarri. But today, in modern villas, it is frequently engraved on a stele near the door. Occupants change but house names remain.

See also


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