Mihri Hatun

Mihri Hatun

Also known as Lady Mihri and Mihri Khatun (? - 1506 AD) (مهری خاتون) was a female Ottoman poet. She was the daughter of a kadi (an Ottoman judge) and according to sources she spent most of her life in and near Amasya, in Anatolia. (Havlioglu, 2). Documentation places her as a member of the literary circle of Prince Ahmed, the son of Sultan Bayezid II. (Lewis, 207).

The myth that has grown up around her states that she “fell in love many times but insists that all these loves were chaste and innocent, and that she led a life of unremitting virtue.” (Lewis, 207) Lewis notes that though described as both “beautiful and ardent, she remained unmarried.” (Lewis, 207)


Lady Mihri's poems reveal an artist grounded in both Persian Literature, writing in such forms as the Gazel, as well as the recipient of a deep literary education. (Havlioglu, 2) Modern critics, such as Bernard Lewis describe her style as “retaining remarkable freshness and simplicity.” (Lewis, 207)

One of her more popular lines goes as follows: “ At one glance/ I love you/ With a thousand hearts ... Let the zealots think/ Loving is sinful/ Never mind/ Let me burn in the hellfire/ Of that sin.” (Halman, 35)

Another is: “My heart burns in flames of sorrow/ Sparks and smoke rise turning to the sky/ Within Me the heart has taken fire like a candle/ My body, whirling, is a lighthouse illuminated by your image.” (Damrosch, 786)


Damrosch and April Alliston. The Longman Anthology of World Literature: The 17th and 18th Centuries, the 19th Century, and the 20th Century: V. II (D, E, F) Longman, Inc. ISBN 0321202376

Halman, Talât Sait and Jayne L. Warner. Nightingales & pleasure gardens: Turkish love poems. Syracuse University Press (2005) ISBN 0815608357.

Havlioglu, Didem. Poetic Voice En/Gendered: Mihri Hatun’s Resistance to ‘Femininity'. The Center for Middle Eastern Studies: Sohbet-i Osmani Series (2010).

Lewis, Bernard. Music of a Distant Drum: Classical Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Hebrew Poems. Princeton University Press; Ltr ptg edition. (2001). ISBN 0691089280

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