

Cow-hocked is the condition in a livestock animal where the back leg joints of the animal are set incorrectly. This term is used to describe when the back 'knee' on an animal is set inward, resulting in a splayed look in the back legs. This can result in the uneven wearing of hooves, which can end up in permanent lameness, and can prove to be a very serious condition. Permanent lameness usually results in the animal going for meat, as the cow will be in far too much pain to move, the milk in a cow will not be up to standard, and the animal could not be used in breeding, as this trait would pass on. However, most animals will not have too serious a condition, and will walk with a splayed-leg look. Another way of spotting cow-hock is when the hooves point outward as a result of the incorrect lineup of the joints in the leg.

Another problem with cow-hocks is when the joints in the leg are not set correctly, the joints in the back will most likely be set incorrectly as well. The animal will not do well in agricultural shows, will be in a lot of pain, and for both of these reasons, it is advised to take the animal out of any breeding programs. This condition can affect most animals, including cattle, horses, sheep, and many other livestock animals.

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