Internet Direct

Internet Direct

Internet Direct, also known as "Indy", is a free software / open source socket library written in Object Pascal, an object-oriented version of Pascal. It includes clients, servers, TCP, UDP, and raw sockets, as well as over 100 higher level protocols implementations such as SMTP, POP3, NNTP, and HTTP.]

Internet Direct is available for Borland Delphi, C++ Builder, and Kylix. The software is dual-licensed under the "Indy Modified BSD License" and the "Indy MPL License". cite web | url= | title=Indy Project - License | publisher=Indy Project | accessdate=2008-02-06 ] As of early 2008, there is a new project called Indy#, which intends to write a C# version from the ground up.Cite web|url=|title=Indy.Sockets|accessdate=2006-08-24]


Indy was initially named "Winshoes" and was written by Chad Z. Hower (a.k.a Kudzucite web|url=|author=Hower, Chad Z.|title=Kudzu World] ) in 1993 in Visual Basic. cite web | url= | title=Indy Project - About | publisher=Indy Project | accessdate=2008-02-06 ] In 1995, he ported it to Borland Delphi and deprecated the Visual Basic version. In 1997, he made it available under an open-source license. In 2000, Winshoes was renamed to Internet Direct (Indy for short) and became cross-platform. In 2001, Borland began including it as a part of Borland Delphi, C++ Builder, and Kylix. In 2003, Indy was ported to Delphi for .NET. The following year, Indy was made available to the Microsoft .NET community.


External links

* [ Indy Project home page]
* [ Indy Knowledge Base]

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