Structure theorem for Gaussian measures

Structure theorem for Gaussian measures

In mathematics, the structure theorem for Gaussian measures shows that the abstract Wiener space construction is essentially the only way to obtain a strictly positive Gaussian measure on a separable Banach space. It was proved in 1977 by Kallianpur-Sato-Stefan and Dudley-Feldman-le Cam.

tatement of the theorem

Let "γ" be a strictly positive Gaussian measure on a separable Banach space ("E", || ||). Then there exists a separable Hilbert space ("H", ⟨ , ⟩) and a map "i" : "H" → "E" such that "i" : "H" → "E" is an abstract Wiener space with "γ" = "i"∗("γ""H"), where "γ""H" is the canonical Gaussian cylinder set measure on "H".

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