Dagor Engine 3

Dagor Engine 3

Dagor Engine 3 is a game engine available for Windows 32, Xbox and Xbox 360 systems.

Dagor Engine 3 has shader-based 3D rendering engine, thin-layer for physics engine (together with binding for PhysX, TrueAxis) and embedded Unigine Physics 0.33, GUI (and Lua-based controls), scripting system (bindings for Lua and Squirrel), and a sublicensed FMOD Sound System.

Dagor Engine 3 is sold under various license agreements.


Rendering engine

* Scalable shader support (PS 1.1-3.0)
* Pixel Shader 3.0 technology support
* HLSL compatible shader compiler
* HDR (High dynamic range rendering)
* Dynamic lights, World space lighting
* Dynamic shadowing
* Height-Map land up to 2x2 km of detailed terrain
* Per-pixel normal mapped lighting
* Post-processing effects: colour curve, motion blur, water with refraction/reflection
* Volumetric environmental effects
* Particle systems
* Personage animation system (bones animation) featuring animation blending and states graph with indirect control
* Optimized codepaths for different video card generations and CPUs
* Scene-based streaming
* Optimal performance for both indoor/outdoor

Physics engine

* Supports third-party physics engines such as PhysX, TrueAxis, Unigine
* Unigine Physics 0.33 (included with Dagor Engine 3)
* Ragdoll character animation
* Destroyable joints
* Fluid buoyancy
* Physics-driven sound

Graphic User Interface

* Various controls
* Dialogs
* LUA-based gui scrips
* 3D effects
* True Type fonts support
* Unicode support

cripting system

* Squirrel
* Compiled native code (loaded as portable dynamic library)

Dagor Content Development Kit

* DagorEd - plugin-based level editor, used for creating game scene: imports geometry from 3ds Max, places Prefabs, game resource objects and plants, prepares static and dynamic light, exports final scene binary dump.
* ResEditor - plugin based resource editor, used for grouping and editing of all game resources: textures, dynamic models, animated characters, special effects; exports compiled game resource packs.
* ObjectLibrary - editor for preparing library of static models to be used in level development.
* DaLight (and DaLight NetComp2) - static light computation tool, featuring GI (global illumination) and distributed computations
* Shader compiler, font generator and other development utilities

External links

* [http://www.dagor.ru/ Dagor Engine 3]
* [http://www.gaijinent.com/projects/index.htm Dagor Engine 3 based projects]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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