CPD can refer to any of the following:
*Cable Price Downer
*Capacitance power dissipation
*Cape Photographic Durchmusterung
*Central Processing Department
*Centre for Professional Development
*Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
*Certified in Plumbing Design
*Certified Professional Drycleaner
*Certified Professional Designer
*Cherry Poppin' Daddies
*Chicago Park District
*Chicago Police Department
*Child Pusher Downer
*Chronic pulmonary disease
*Collaborative Product Development
*Collaborative Professional Development [www.ncetm.org.uk]
*Collection processing dissemination
*Columbus Police Department
*Commission on Presidential Debates
*Committee on the Present Danger
*Common picture display
*Concert of Parties for Democracy
*Construction Products Directive
* Conditional Probability Distribution
*Congress of People's Deputies AKACongress of Soviets
*Contact potential difference
*Continuing Professional Development
*Cost per Day
*Cram, Pass and Dump
*Customer Promise Date , the guaranteed date in which provider promises to deliver
*Cycles Per Degree
* Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimer
* CPD is theICAO airline designator for Capital Airlines Limited,Kenya
*Town of Carmel Police Department , inNew York
* Common Path Distortion
* Copy/Paste Detector
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.