

Jubilee! is a long-running Las Vegas Strip-based burlesque show. It opened in August 1981 and is currently produced by Donn Arden. As of 2006, this resident show at Bally's Las Vegas is the longest-running production show in Las Vegas. The Jubilee! showgirls are an icon of old Vegas. The show uses costumes designed by Bob Mackie and Pete Menefee. Many of the show's sets date back to the original production and include the sinking of the Titanic. Jubilee's principal dancer from the opening night until her departure 23 years later was Linda Green, and this amazing 23 year record is hailed in the Guinness Book of World Records.fact|date=March 2008


* Donn Arden - Producer (former)
* Fluff LaCoque - Associate Producer
* Tom Hansen - Director/Choreographer
* Diane Palm - Assistant Company Manager
* Winston Hemsley - Choreographer
* Rich Rizzo - Choreographer
* Pete Menefee - Designer
* Bob Mackie - Designer

Current Staff

* Bill Gaydos - Entertainment Director
* Fluff LeCoque - Company Manager
* Diane Palm - Assistant Company Manager
* Drew Strozza - Technical Director
* Alex Postpichil - Asstistant Technical Director
* Matt McNally - Stage Manager
* Donna London - Wardrobe Manager
* Joel Mann - Music Director
* Carol Beeman - Production Assistant

Technical Information

* Jubilee! features a cast of 85 showgirls and showboys.
* There are 75 stagehands working on the show.
* The feathered headdresses worn by the showgirls can weigh up to 35 pounds.


* Act 1 Showtime! Putting It into the Right Vernacular
* Act 2 Juggling Specialty Act
* Act 3 Samson and Delilah Tonight, a Lesson from Ancient History
* Act 4 Aerlial Specialty Act
* Act 5 Titanic Away We Go on the Mighty "Unsinkable" Ocean Liner
* Act 6 Strong Men Specialty Act
* Act 7 The Finale A Tribute to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers


*Las Vegas Review-Journal
*Las Vegas Sun
* [http://shop.lasvegas.com/shows/showtimes2.jsp?show=40&lang=en Jubilee at Bally's show review] on LasVegas.com
* [http://shop.vegas.com/shows/showtimes2.jsp?show=40&lang=en Jubilee Las Vegas show review] on VEGAS.com


External links

* [https://www.harrahs.com/EventsDetail.do?detailName=donn-ardens-jubilee-detail&locationCode=BLV&eventTitle=DONN+ARDEN%27S+JUBILEE%21 Jubilee!]


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  • Jubilee — Ju bi*lee, n. [F. jubil[ e], L. jubilaeus, Gr. ?, fr. Heb. y[=o]bel the blast of a trumpet, also the grand sabbatical year, which was announced by sound of trumpet.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Jewish Hist.) Every fiftieth year, being the year following… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • jubilee — (n.) late 14c., in the Old Testament sense, from O.Fr. jubileu jubille; anniversary; rejoicing, from L.L. jubilaeus the jubilee year, originally an adjective, of the jubilee, altered (by association with L. jubilare to shout with joy ) from Gk.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • jubilee — ► NOUN 1) a special anniversary, especially one celebrating twenty five or fifty years of something. 2) Jewish History a year of emancipation and restoration, kept every fifty years. ORIGIN from Latin jubilaeus annus year of jubilee , from a… …   English terms dictionary

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