

Infobox Mountain
Name = Lyskamm (Liskamm)
Photo = Lyskamm.jpg
Caption = Northern wall of Lyskamm
Elevation = convert|4527|m|ft|0
Location = ITA / SUI
Range = Pennine Alps
Prominence = 376 m
latd= 45|latm=55 |lats=25 |latNS=N
longd=7 |longm=50 |longs=02 |longEW=E

Coordinates = coord|45|55|25|N|7|50|02|E|region:CH_type:mountain|display=inline,title

First ascent = J. F. Hardy and party, 1861
Easiest route = basic glacier/snow climb/scrambling along exposed ridge

Lyskamm (or Liskamm) (4,527 m) is a mountain in the Alps lying on the border between Switzerland and Italy. It consists of a five-kilometre-long ridge with two distinct peaks. The southern (Italian) face is somewhat rugged, and rises only a few hundred metres above the glacier below (Ghiacciaio del Lis), while the northern (Swiss) side is an impressive 1100-metre ice-covered wall, rising up from the Gorner Glacier.

The mountain is often climbed as a traverse from the Felikjoch (West), to the Listjoch (East) or vice versa. The traverse consists mostly of a narrow, snow-covered ridge, with some scrambling over rocks. In good conditions, this route is fairly easy and objectively safe, however in bad snow conditions and/or bad visibility, the ridge can be challenging because of large, sometimes double, cornices, mainly on the southern side of the ridge.The eastern and highest of the two peaks is 4,527 m high, and was first ascended in 1861 by a 14-man team (eight Englishmen and six Swiss guides) led by J. F. Hardy and including William Edward Hall, up the east ridge. The ridge as a whole was first traversed three years later by Leslie Stephen, Edward Buxton, Jakob Anderegg and Franz Biener.


*W. E. Hall (1870) "The fatal accident on the Lyskamm", "Alpine Journal", 5: 23–32

External links

* [ Lyskamm on SummitPost]
* [ Italian route account from south] - Czech and English

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