- The Bridges at Toko-Ri
Infobox Film
name = The Bridges at Toko-Ri
caption = Theatrcial Poster
director =Mark Robson
producer =William Perlberg George Seaton
writer = Story:James Michener
Screenplay: Valentine Davis
narrator =
starring =William Holden Grace Kelly
music =Lyn Murray
cinematography = Loyal Griggs
editing = Alma Macrorie
distributor =Paramount Pictures
released = 1954
runtime = 102 minutes
country =United States
language = English
budget =
preceded_by =
followed_by =
website =
amg_id =
imdb_id = 0046806"The Bridges at Toko-Ri" is a
1954 film based on a novel byJames Michener about anaval aviator assigned to bomb a group of heavily defended bridges during theKorean War . It was made into amotion picture byParamount Pictures and won the Special Effects Oscar at the28th Academy Awards . It follows the book of the same title emphasizing the lives of the pilots and crew in the context of a war that seems remote to all except those who fight in it. The goal of the mission is set above everything else and the heroes perish as victims of fate. The novel and film are a composite of actual missions flown against bridges at Majon-ni and Changnim-Ni, North Korea, in the winter of 1951–1952, when Michener was a correspondent aboard the aircraft carriers "Essex" and "Valley Forge", and with a pair of rescue missions onFebruary 8 ,1952 , one of which involved the shoot-down of a plane off the "Valley Forge". However, in the rescue incident referenced the downed airmen survived the crash and rescue attempt but were captured by North Korean soldiers. (At the time Michener believed the men to have been killed.)Plot
U.S. Navy
Lieutenant Harry Brubaker (William Holden ) is a pilot who previously fought during World War 2, went back to his civilian job as an attorney, and is now a recalled naval reservist further engaged in the Korean War flying jets from carriers. The film starts with him returning from a mission where his jet sustained battle damage and he has to ditch it into the cold Sea of Japan.Brubaker is about to freeze to death when a Navy rescue helicopter appears. The rescue helicopter that saves Brubaker is flown by an enlisted Naval Aviation Pilot (NAP), the eccentric Green top hat & green scarf wearing
Chief Petty Officer Mike Forney (Mickey Rooney ), with Forney's crewman AD2 Nestor Gamidge (Earl Holliman ) jumping into the freezing water to hook Brubaker to the rescue harness.Rear Admiral Tarrant (Fredric March ), the carrier task force commander, has lost his own son at theBattle of Midway during World War II and Brubaker’s manner and bearing brings back memories of his lost son. The admiral finds the pilot is tired of war and just wants to return to civilian life to be with his family and the legal career he left behind. Nevertheless, they both agree to the necessity of seeing this conflict through to its conclusion.A new mission is set. The target is a group of bridges used by Communist forces.
Commander Wayne Lee, the leader of the Carrier Air Group ("CAG"), is dedicated to his men, but Tarrant would rather see him dedicated to his mission. He decides not to recommend promoting Lee to the rank of Captain for this reason.Brubaker is told that his wife Nancy (
Grace Kelly ) and children arrived in Tokyo on an unexpected visit and he is given a three-day pass during a port visit. Their reunion is interrupted when Nestor shows up at their hotel asking Brubaker's help in bailing Forney out of the guardhouse after a brawl with another sailor. Nancy, anxious to have her husband back home, is terrified to discover the signs of a man ready to crack from combat fatigue. Nancy is deep into thoughts of being left a widow. Tarrant will try to support her, although he, too, remembers how his own daughter-in-law had almost turned insane after losing her husband, Tarrant's son.Back to the carrier, Lee presents to his pilots the air photos taken from a low pass over Toko-Ri. The flak is extremely dense and the pilots have to fly very low into the banks of the river while receiving fire from all sides. Brubaker gets sick after this briefing and believes his days are numbered. He is ready to write a letter to Nancy predicting his own death. Lee tries to boost the pilot's morale by asking him to stay behind if he feels he cannot accomplish his mission. Brubaker vows to do his duty.
The initial attack is on a series of bridges. Lee organizes two formations, the second one to be led by Brubaker. The results from the first attack are incomplete, so he orders the second group led by Brubaker to attack. Brubaker's team dashes in low and completes the destruction of the last bridge. Lee then directs the air group to attack a secondary target, an ammunition dump. As Brubaker completes the run, his plane receives a hit that creates a fuel leak. Lee escorts Brubaker, guiding him back to the carrier, but the fuel loss will not allow Brubaker to overcome the last hill before the sea. He belly-lands onto a relatively flat area. The rescue helicopter and his faithful friends Mike and Nestor land close by to pick him up, but Chinese ground troops arrive and machine gun the helicopter, killing Nestor. Brubaker and Forney try to hide in a small ditch to defend themselves with carbines and pistols, but eventually are outnumbered and both are killed.
After getting confirmation from the US Army that the three Americans are killed, Admiral Tarrant is shattered by the news and demands an explanation. Lee retorts that despite the losses, the mission was a success. Tarrant sorrowfully must accept that Lee has "matured", recommending him for promotion. The film ends with Tarrant alone, wondering where Brubaker and all the others under his command could have found the bravery to do what is asked from them. The movie ends with a famous quote: "Where do we get such men?"
The movie was shot using USS|Oriskany|CV-34, a 27,100-ton sclass|Essex|aircraft carrier, standing in as the fictional USS "Savo Island".
The squadron represented in the film is Fighter Squadron 192, VF-192, "The Golden Dragons." The squadron still exists today as Strike Fighter Squadron 192,
VFA-192 , anF/A-18 Hornet squadron now known, due to its part in the film, as the "World Famous Golden Dragons".Cast
William Holden as LT Harry Brubaker
*Grace Kelly as Nancy Brubaker
*Fredric March as RADM George Tarrant
*Mickey Rooney as CPO Mike Forney
*Earl Holliman as Nestor
*Charles McGraw as CDR Wayne LeeExternal links
* Paul N. Gray, " [http://www.uss-bennington.org/non-benn-bridges_at_toko_ri.html THE BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI: The Real Story] " at [http://uss-bennington.org uss-bennington.org ]
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