

Macquarie may refer to:

* "Division of Macquarie", an electoral district in the Australian House of Representatives in New South Wales
* Macquarie, Australian Capital Territory, a suburb of Canberra, Australia
* Macquarie Group, an Australian company, comprising of diversified financial services
** Macquarie Bank, an Australian merchant bank
* Macquarie County, New South Wales, one of the 141 Cadastral divisions of New South Wales, Australia
* Macquarie Island, in the Southern Ocean
* Macquarie Lighthouse, a lighthouse in the suburb of Vaucluse, New South Wales, Australia
* Macquarie River, an inland river in New South Wales, Australia
* Macquarie Street, Sydney, a street in Sydney, Australia
* Macquarie University, a university in Sydney, Australia
* "Macquarie Dictionary", a dictionary of Australian English
* Port Macquarie, New South Wales, a city in Macquarie County, New South Wales, Australia

People with the family name Macquarie

*Lachlan Macquarie, early colonial administrator and governor of New South Wales

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  • Macquarie — I. /məˈkwɒri/ (say muh kworee) noun 1. Elizabeth Henrietta (born Elizabeth Henrietta Campbell), 1778–1835, Scottish wife of Lachlan; her given and maiden names feature in many Australian geographical landmarks. 2. Lachlan, 1762–1824, Scottish… …  

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  • Macquarie University Rugby League Club — Macquarie University Rugby League Football Club was formed at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia in 1969. In its inaugural season, Macquarie fielded an Under 19 team and a C grade team in the North Sydney Junior League competition. In 1970 …   Wikipedia

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