

Lete (Greek:Λητὴ) was an ancient city in Mygdonia, Macedon and Roman Catholic titular see in Macedonia (Roman province) (modern Liti seat of Mygdonia municipality,Central Macedonia,Greece.


Lete is known by its coins and inscriptions, mentioned in Ptolemy (III, xiii), the Pliny the Younger (IV, x, 17), Harpocration, Stephanus Byzantius and Suidas in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages in Nicephorus Bryennius (IV, xix). The spelling "Lite" is incorrect and comes from iotacism. In its necropolis was found the Derveni papyrus.

Lete appears in some "Notitiæ episcopatuum" of a late period as suffragan of the Archbishopric of Thessalonica, later united to the See of Rentina. Lete and Rentina even had Greek (Orthodox) bishops until the eighteenth century. Lete became the small village of Aïvati (1000 inhabitants) situated a little north of Salonica.



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